Freaking New Guy.
by Stealthcake on Comments
Hello Gamespot! I am an avid user of the site, and have come to love the features that the site uses, I also have come to use this site as my first source for reviews on the games I am interested in and release dates for games that I wish to purchase in the future. I hope to make great friends here and become an avid, interesting and influential member of the community, this brings me onto the subject of my blog. Hopefully I wont be called a noob much by people commenting haha, but I want to post my first game related blog. 2009 was a good year for me gamewise, I enjoyed a start to World of Warcraft and ensured a steady flow of income into my pocket. Though my year was overshadowed by multiple xbox breakings, a PSP failure and bank fraud, I overall enjoyed my year as a whole. This brings me onto a simple question, Game of the Year. I played many exceptional games from Modern Warfare 2 to Dragon Age. What was your guys GOTY? It was a hard decision for me to make, Role Playing, FPS or TPS (Third Person Shooter). Therefore I have came down to a simple decision after many choices, hopefully you will comment on my blog with ideas and comments on my choices, and like I said before post your own :) Dragon Age Origins - PC This was my GOTY 2009, hopefully you guys will agree/disagree and post your own GOTY :) Thanks for reading my blog :)! Now, onto the personal section of my blog and 2010 plans. I hope to eventually change these into video blogs and get my ugly mug on gamespot with video reviews, unboxings and playthroughs. I also have plans to step up my game purchasing index starting with Bayonetta and Mass Effect 2 at the end of this month. Add me if you want a nice guy to talk to or chat about, personal and game wise. I am quite adept with computing problems and information, and know my games when it comes to PC and Xbox360 :) Soon to be a PS3 owner on my 18th birthday :) Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment.
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