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YAY!!! Between now and xmas us gamers are spoilt for choice at what is shaping up to be one of the busiest game release quarters of all time, and I have been fortunate enough to play most of these games after attending GAMEFEST.

I've always been a fan of all genres of games with my favourites often being either immersive single player experiences (atmosphere and story thumbs up!) or 'absolute random multiplayer carnage' where I can play with my friends and the outcome is not purely skill based. I do not hate certain publishers, developers, game franchises, genres, or consoles. I love them all. So I was the perfect audience for GAMEFEST 2 weeks ago and tried as many games as possible, sat in on as many demonstrations as I could, and talked to as many other gamers as time would allow.


Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3, Resistance 3, Mass Effect 3, MAx Payne 3, Diablo 3, and Saints Row The Third. Ok Diablo 3 and Max Payne 3 weren't there but the others were, and with playable demos.


Heading over to the Bethesda section I was keen to see what they were showcasing for Skyrim, easily my most anticipated game coming out in an awesome line-up of awesomely awesome games! Somehow I missed the prey 2 presentation (gutted!), I had already seen all of the skyrim footage online so nothing new.. but did get to try out ID's new title 'rage.' AND OMG RAGE IS AWESOME. Surprisingly out of all the games I tried (and I tried alot) Rage was the best. Seriously.


The MW3 presentation consisted of a live demo showcase of 2 areas, the new york level from E3, and the 1st ever viewing of a section of a london level. The game looks impressive but I was really hoping to see a presentation like they do at some of the bigger game expos - with someone telling us about the game not just letting us watch 30 mins of live demo. I figured I'd check out another presentation, the last one of the day, 'prototype 2.' Wow. Please check this game out. Some of the team behind the game had flownin from Canada and they really put on a show, got the crowd going, showed exclusive footage, took time to explain features, answered questions, and most of all WERE EXTREMELY PASSIONATE ABOUT THEIR GAME. Sadly not that many people bothered going to the prototype 2 presentation yet the MW3 one was filled.


The queues (or lines for my American friends) were stupidly long for usual suspects MW3 and Battlefield 3. I didnt bother with them. While in the line for RE: Operation Raccoon City the girl queuing in front told me she had waited 2 and a half hours to play Mass Effect 3. I said " was it worth it?" She replied "of course it's Mass Effect 3!" I avoided waiting longer than 40 mins for anything, and in most cases played straight away. I came to the following conclusions:

- I suck at street fighter X tekken
- Dark souls looks identical to Demon Souls
- Using the move to play a FPS is ridiculously hard (Resistance 3)
- You can move while shooting in RE: Raccoon City
- Sega have the least memorable names for games (binary something, anarchy something, and nightmare something)
- People will queue without knowing what they are queuing for
- Halo Anniversary seemed identical to every other halo game
- Turtle Beach headphones are amazing
- Batman Arkham City needed more than only 3 consoles to play demos
- F1 (racing) is crazy popular


Driver San Fransisco soundtrack on... wait for it... Vinyl!!! How cool is that? (Very cool). Saints Row had turned their sealed off booth into a VIP bar with purple carpet, leather sofas to enjoy while playing the new absolutely awesome Saints Row 3. I grabbed a bottle of water from the bar. It was called Saints Flow (the small print on the bottle said trademarkedby the Saints so F**K OFF). Little details helped prove that Saints Row love what they do. I love what they do too!

I went to Gamefest to check out new games coming out. It seemed most people went to get as much free stuff as possible. The Rage guys were kind enough to give me a MASSIVE carry bag to put stuff in. It said RAGE on one side and SKYRIM on the other. Guess how many dumbasses asked my where I got the bag from? Lots. But how many people followed that up with - do I have to play the games or can i just get the bag? All of them. What is wrong with these people? I thought we were there to play games!!!

Oh and Uncharted 3 gave me a free tshirt. Yay! Thanks for reading, my next post will be what I got to see/play at the Eurogamer Expo in London which happened the following week. =) x