I know. I guess I got a little too carried away, this site is meant for people who enjoy video games, and it doesn't matter if they're mexican, american, polish-pennsylvanian, or chinese-icelandic-turkmenistanian. Peace to all. By the way, I think WWE and Madden pretty much portrait what the feature is about.
I do understand the meaning of the feature and the reason of its title, but you have to realize that people from other countries enter this site, and that in some american countries, there are people who might take an offense when people from the US call themselves american meaning their home country, even though "being american" is world wide known as being a citizen from the US. I am not offended by this, but in these times of political-correctness it's quite hard to know where the line is drawn and we all should be aware of this. And da_spoony, I don't know which country are you from, but in some countries like mine, we are taught that America is the landmass and associated islands between Greenland and Cape Horn in Chile. Even though for other purposes there are regions of it known as North, central and South america. And yes, there are some advocates of using the term "Eurasia" for what you refer to. If you want to call yourselves americans based on your home country, that's ok, but I have the right to disagree and explain my point of view.
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