I'll keep an open mind, but won't be shocked if it turns out mediocre again. Hopefully they don't add micro-transactions( cause it's the thing to do nowadays) to be able to aim down sights or crouch...CRAP ! I just gave them an idea!
@hkymike: Well I guess you can look at it as "Pay 15 for an old game now, or for another remaster for $60" But doubtful cause the only games that get remasters are one's we've played only 1 year ago.
As always, thanks for the review Kevin :) Although I very much enjoyed Alien Isolation, but different strokes, I suppose. Also Take a much needed break, you've been on fire as of late. You'll need the rest once November rolls in
Do not understand all the hate for GTA to come to PC. Wouldn't it be better for more people to be able to enjoy the game? Heck, I own GTA V on PS3, but if the PC version is announced to arrive tomorrow I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Same with Red Dead Redemption.
I think GTA IV didn't sell to well because it suffered from console-itis and had the horrendous Games for Windows Live attached to it, pretty much defeating the purpose of owning on PC. Rockstar won't make that mistake again(Max Payne 3 for instance was a great port)
@spikepigeo I'm hearing this a lot, and even though I own Shogun 2,I still have not gotten around to playing it( picked up on Steam winter sale). I own both, and may just Start with Rome II and treat Shogun 2 as the "successor"
I currently have a GTX 670 FTW and it has been able to run everything I've thrown at it so far. Was thinking of taking the plunge on the 780, but since I only play on 1080p max settings on all my games right now(except some poorly optimized ones for nvidia cards like Tomb Raider and Sleeping Dogs) I think I will wait till for the GtX 870 or 880 to come out.
Steel_Rain777's comments