Steelers777's forum posts
Make sure your network is correct, your security is i right and the IP adress is on automatic, don't use proxy server and don't start browser when your setting up.
Socom firetem bravo 2 has the largest online community
The frame rate will seem normal over time.
You also need the controller section to talk.
Its the silver circle. It translates audio input, rather than just audio output.
Also, when you hook your psp to the internet, you can talk by holding down CIRCLE.(It confuses alot of people because they think they need to press circle, to into game options and hit radio to talk.
I suggest SOCOM 2.
It has a few new weapons like the SCFR-LW that kick bootay in Infrastucure mode.
New weapons:
M303 Semi-auto
ZX85 Airburst grenades
M303 Mace attachments
AT-4(Rocket launcher)
The campaigns are about the same length but SOCOM 1 has a more classic feel to it, while the second version is dotted with lots of new features like command equity, which can be used to purchase new weapons, or buy new clothes for multiplayer modes.
You're not going to find a more well-rounded shooter series than SOCOM Firteam Bravo. I suggest getting FTB2
Once you get the game add me to your friends
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