In the last blog I said I would make a review for every game I finish, but the review was a bit late and this blog post much later... The reason is exams, I absolutely hate them, (But I got an A for my english exam, so that was at least nice :) )
The thing is, that I completed MGS: PO on new years day... Which is quite a while ago, but now I made the review and blogged about it.
I chose to give it 9.2 since it's a fantastic game and easily my fav PSP game, I'm lost in that game, I can't get my fingers away from it... I'm at my 4th playhtrough and the second playthrough on the extreme difficulty... I've used more than 60 hours on it...
The main villain is easily one of my favourit video game character and Steven Blum made a terrific job, voice acting him...
There also is all the recruiting and deploying them on teams that I like really much and I can use tons of time recruiting enemy soldiers, in hopeing they have great stats...
If you want to know more, then you can read the review. There was a lay out issue with the last review, since the sections were all ignored and the system thought it was more fitting, making it a wall of text... After numberous tries, I was able to split it into sections by making lines between sections... It doesn't look that good, but it works...
I also got through Twilight Princess a while ago, so I guess I'll review that too, soon...
Steingrimur Blog
Some random blog
by Steingrimur on Comments
I played Wii ALL weekend (except for the time we took a break from the air wrestling and watched Scarface) I played Wii sports, TP and also fooled around making stupid/crazy Mii's it was great fun.
I had a lot of fun with the Legend of Zelda: TP since it practically is my first Zelda experience (except from Ocarina of time, which was an extremely great game, but I played it in my much younger days and it wasn't even half the game + I didn't do much other than watch, I also played wind waker a little)
So this was really fun (and this kind of makes up for the fact that 95% of the items you gain are reused from another Zelda game)
But the game is absolutely fantastic!!!
But after such a weekende I'm naturally really tired (et_eller_andet obviously dosn't know that you don't gain much playing time by going to bed 3-4 am :P)
I also have a lot of assignments to make and an exam this friday, so I'll have to go early to bed...)
Of course what I do when I'm tired and making an assignment, is posting on GS and making blog posts :P
I've also made up my mind, I'm going to make a review on EVERY game I get or play through and this time around I'll make them in word first (avoiding trouble like the last review I made..)
I thought it was quite interesting, also if I'll replay some of the games's I have I might make a review..
So in the near future I'll review Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
my first ever user review!
by Steingrimur on Comments
I wrote my first user review yesterday, it was about VCS which I gave 8.8/10 (I actually value some things over other, so I might have given it more if it was my own choice) Well I tried to keep it realistic, I don't want to be like all those 10/10 TEH BEST GAME EVAH!!1 reviews, though I do not wish to keep it too low since I have to judge by my own enjoyment, which was high in this case. I like how it turned out, although I became more familiar with GS reviewing system, the lead downside was that you can't edit it afterwards, a fact that could have helped a lot, if I had known it before I wrote the review.
Also there were some layout issues, what should have been 5 sections turned out being 2 instead for some very strange reason...
Well so far I've got one recommendation (probably 2 soon),it turns out being realistic is not at all good for your recomendation rate, some guy that wrote a shorter review, gave it 10/10, wrote it pretty much in caps lock and claimed Victor Vance to be the best GTA person ever got 15 recommendations :/
Strange world we live in... GS most certainly and depressingly is crawling with newbs that tend to give a game top scores just because they like it (I liked it too and played it almost day and night the first week, but it certainly dosn't deserve 10/10)
and YAY! I'm lvl 22 soon (probably next update or so :P)
New sig (OMG!!! 2nd change in my now over 1 year of membership on GS :P)
by Steingrimur on Comments
As some might have noticed, my sig has changed. This is mainly due to the now soon to come VCS, I'm a really big fan of GTA and Vice City has always been my favourit GTA (even when it didn't excist :o)
Those Rockstar Leeds guys are really incredible (Possibly unhuman :o).
Bringen the Vice City with really beautiful water, much improved water physics, Helicopters and (Possibly) Shamals + other planes, much more interior than in LCS and VC, Rag Doll physics, improved explosions, great grapics, much improved draw distance, 2x more pedestrians and cars on screen, less clumping (more variety in ped and car types on screen), new improved figting system, swimming, 70 main storyline missions, Empire building (there are 30 business on the map that you can take over, it should be like the SA gang system just improved, you can hire guards to protect your business. This feuture I really think sounds cool and it's also cool since I'm attending a business school right now :P), it all looks so god damn good and much more...
All this on ONE 1.8 Gb UMD driven on the PSP
It's truly incredible...
I'm so hyped for this game :D
New sig
by Steingrimur on Comments
I got really bored of my old one so I made this new sig, it's still something I made in Paint and I only used 5 min to make it, I can't photoshop so deal with it... I shall make a quote on my now sig too, when I get to see the Portable opstrailer again (I can't see vids on this computer :cry: )
this is the first sig change since I joined gamespot... :P
Resident evil 4
by Steingrimur on Comments
*this thread does have a few spoilers* yay I finally got this great game, I'm pretty far in the proffesional difficulty, but I'm having serious trouble with the mercenaries game I can't get all the 5-star rankings with Ada, Leon and Hunk, (I really want the handcannon) although I have got all the 5-star rankings with Wesker and Krauser. But this is truly the greatest game of 2005. I think it's funny how many things in the game lead to Dmc (which originally was ment to be RE4) like when you open a door that leads to a new area, when you put something into a door to open it it goes in without an animation where Leon puts it in, and it makes this Dmcish sound, the music and the loading screen although that doesn't meen much
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