Hello, my name is Stephen and I'm a gamer.
I'm here to talk about what made us gamers buy the consoles we have, as well as what detracts us from the others we don't.
----- Intro -----
I had my first "nex gen" experience spending the night out of a Best Buy waitingwith my buddy (yeah, that's right, I was simply their to experience not to empty my checking account) for the 10 am opening time. Fifty degree air and highway noise couldn't keep me from thinking about the 360.
As the night went on, what started as a line began to slowly mold into huddles of people sharing their experiences of gaming.
"I can't wait to get Perfect Dark Zero" one guy exclaimed as we all reminisced the countless hours spent playing Rare's gems (Goldeneye and Perfect Dark) on the N64. Another guy seemed to not shut up about Call of Duty 2 and the amazing online that was to be had.
Anyways, night turned into day, and the doors opened to 60+ people waiting. But low and behold, the store only had 18 systems. My friend bought several games that day: Project Gotham 3, Madden 06 (easily the worst in the bunch), Call of Duty 2, and Perfect Dark Zero. My friend also has a rather large family, so he bought 3 more controllers and wireless chargeable pacs for each controller. Many other items we're bought as well. His bill came to be around $1100 dollars. That's right, $1100.
Why the hell would someone lay down so much money in one morning.
I'll tell you why. He wanted to discover what this "next gen" was all about.
This is arguably the first generation where the first visuals that make us say "Wow, that looks so real." This "wow" factor won't be as big (I would assume) in the next generation of games. So what will make us gamers chose one system over the other? That is the question that will rest in peoples mind until the next launch day comes.
Moving on, I plan to discuss what each console this generation did well and not so well.
Innovation - Nintendo Wii
I seem hard pressed to argue that any system is more innovative the the Wii. Motion control is the future of gaming, without a doubt. Try playing Resident Evil 4 on the Wii, and then playing it on the Gamecube. If you have played the Wii, then you know just how fun bowling or golf can be. One great example of simple Wii technology is Madden 07. The simple flicking to hike the ball and toss motion to pass are simple ideas that go a long way. Whichever console is to succeed next generation is going to have to incorporate motion in a unique way to appeal to most gamers.
Movies - Playstation 3
This is easy, two words "Blu-Ray". Although Xbox supported HD-DVD's, they chose the wrong side of the coin as Blu Ray proved victorious. Althought Blu Ray doesn't come without a price. At a whopping $400, the PS3 is no simple purchase, but if you enjoy movies and have a 60 inch TV begging for Blu Ray's then you might as well dish the money for a great system with some fantastic exclusives. I don't think I even have to mention the Wii here....
Online - XBOX 360
Let's be honest, paying to play a game online that we already payed $60 for isn't fun. However, at 50 dollars a year, Xbox 360 provides an online fix like no other. Although cussing pre pubescent children can cause ear bleeding, the fantastic amount of people online makes sure that you can play with all kinds of people on all kinds of game. However, the 360 isn't without its flaws in regards to online. $100 for a wireless internet adapter?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME. The Nintendo Wii and Playstation 3 both have internal wireless support. Shame on you Microsoft. The PS3 has free and pretty active online play, but the sheer amount of people that own a 360 and play online daily is astounding.
Accessories - Playstation 3
Controllers that don't run off of batteries! YAY! Controllers aren't a simple $20 or $30 dollars like they used to be. So when you buy one now, you are pretty much paying the price of a game. One thing that makes the PS3 controller so great is that we don't have to lay down an extra $10 - $20 for a charge pack for each controller. Not to mention the free internal wireless internet, browser, and Blu Ray player that went along with it.
Launch - Xbox 360
Let's all admit that the launch of the 360 was pretty good regardless of the shortage of systems. The 360 had an impressive set of launch games, as well as different types of systems to fit the costs of each gamer (Core and Pro systems). Not only was it the first to launch, but it was the first access to the next gen that gamers could experience.
Keeping their Identity - Nintendo Wii
The Wii had Zelda as a launch game, and shortly after, Metroid Prime 3 came out, then Super Smash Brothers and Mario Galaxy, and then Mario Kart. If any company has kept the tradition of improving great games that define the system, then Nintendo easily succeeds. Nintendo know was games their fans like, and they know what they have to do to keep the nostalgia constantly mixing with innovation.
So, looking back, this is what I want from Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony with their next generation of consoles.
1. Affordability: If the price is high, have the features to back it up.
2. Wireless controllers (THAT DON'T USE DOUBLE A BATTERIES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD) as well as internal wireless internet.
3. Impressive Launch games: Sony, give us FF15 on launch day and Microsoft give us Mass Effect 3 on launch day. Nintendo, We want a Zelda again on launch, and how about a Mario game as well.
4. Blu Ray support: Jump on the bandwagon Nintendo, we want to watch movies with your system. And Microsoft, play it safe this time and support Blu Ray.
5. Online Play: Online play should be active and constantly supported by each console. And please do away with friend codes.
6. Nostalgia: Remember your Roots. New concepts are nice, but tweaking the influences for those concepts is just as pleasing.
7. Original and intuitive controls. Pressing button should become a thing on the past.
8. Availability: Shortage of systems on launch day just isn't cool. Paying 100 or even 1000 more online for a system that is sparse on shelves just isn't cool.
9. Better Warranties. Don't brag about your system supposedly lasting ten years as gamers get to experience red rings. Make a quality system and back you work with a large (free or much cheaper) warranty.
10. Come with a HDMI cable. Don't brag about 1080 support and not include something like that.
----- THE END -----
Oh, and by the way, what do yall want with this next generation and what do you like about this one
I hope you enjoyed my rant, thanks for reading and happy gaming.
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