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StephenBassford Blog

Finally, I get a PS2!

I found a great buy on Ebay a few days ago that came with a PS2 slim, memory card, and games like GoW 1 and 2 and Shadow of the Colossus and a few others.

One thing I don't like about people that sell games and consoles on Ebay is that they had poor taste when the originally used the system, so if I were to buy their ps2 and game I would get 20 games that I would never play. So, I'm glad to say that I found a Seller that had similar tastes for an affordable price.

To put things into some proportion, I payed $75 for about $900 (what all of it would have original sold for at the store).

This isn't my usual kind blog post but I couldn't help but express my excitement!

Gaming on a budget.


Well, not exactly.

In the past several years, I have spent several thousand dollars on consoles and games (Nintendo Wii with 10 games or so, XBOX 360 with 13 games, PS3 with 2 games, and several years worth of World of Warcraft) and let me tell you, My wallet is hurting!

Although game prices haven't changed in the lastfew decades (That's right, Secret of Mana was over $50 when released), the quality of games has undoubtably improved and more and more companies are coming out with games that are "must buys".

So, what can a gamer do nowadays with all the good games being released holiday 09 into 2010 and little money in pocket?

Answer: Buy a Playstation 2

Now, I could've said Gamecube or XBOX, but since those games can be played on the Wii and 360 respectively, I chose to stick with the PS2. Also, many PS3 owners can't even play Playstation 2 games with their new model and weren't PS2 owners to begin with.

I've never had a PS2, and I rarely ever played one. As a result, I've missed out on dozens games that are arguably better than many of this generation.

"Well, what made you think about getting a PS2 in the first place?" you ask.

After browsing a local gaming stores site, I noticed how I could get a PS2 for LESS than two full priced PS3 or 360 games. I also noticed that several of the games are under 10 dollars, and then even more under 5! Although it is no surprise to see a past consoles games so cheap, it is undeniable the amazing deal you are getting with the library of great games the system has.

Thinking about getting MGS4?

HOGWASH! Get MGS2 and MGS3 first (you can get both for less than the price of the 4th), and you will undoubtably enjoy MGS4 tons more by playing its prequels.

Thinking about getting God of War 3 next year?

Get the first two for around $20.

Thinking about getting Tekken 6 or Soul Calibur 4?

Get NAMCO Fighter Collection which includes Tekken 4, Tekken Tag Tournament, and Soul Calibur 2 all for less than $20.

Another reason why the PS2 is still so appealing is because of its RPG library. If you didn't have a PS2, then you are missing out on Final Fantasy 10 & 12, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Persona 3 & 4, and many many more.

Are you a parent and hate buying so many games for you kids? Get them a PS2 and the Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank games, all for dirt cheap. They shouldn't be hearing Rico yell "F*CK" all the time anyways. :P

Now while my rant was annoying, skipping an entire system (those of you that didn't play or have a PS2 like me) doesn't make sense as a gameror for our wallets.

Save yourself several hundred dollars and go back to college with a PS2 in hand and relive the great gaming moments that you wouldn't have been able to had you not done so.

Hell, you could even spend more on your girlfriendthat constantly is pissedoff that you have the money to buy tons of games but not take her out to Olive Garden.

Thanks for reading!

Oh, and thanks to the guyson the Legacy forums who helped convince me to get a PS2!

Right and Wrong: This Generation of Consoles

Hello, my name is Stephen and I'm a gamer.

I'm here to talk about what made us gamers buy the consoles we have, as well as what detracts us from the others we don't.

----- Intro -----

I had my first "nex gen" experience spending the night out of a Best Buy waitingwith my buddy (yeah, that's right, I was simply their to experience not to empty my checking account) for the 10 am opening time. Fifty degree air and highway noise couldn't keep me from thinking about the 360.

As the night went on, what started as a line began to slowly mold into huddles of people sharing their experiences of gaming.

"I can't wait to get Perfect Dark Zero" one guy exclaimed as we all reminisced the countless hours spent playing Rare's gems (Goldeneye and Perfect Dark) on the N64. Another guy seemed to not shut up about Call of Duty 2 and the amazing online that was to be had.

Anyways, night turned into day, and the doors opened to 60+ people waiting. But low and behold, the store only had 18 systems. My friend bought several games that day: Project Gotham 3, Madden 06 (easily the worst in the bunch), Call of Duty 2, and Perfect Dark Zero. My friend also has a rather large family, so he bought 3 more controllers and wireless chargeable pacs for each controller. Many other items we're bought as well. His bill came to be around $1100 dollars. That's right, $1100.

Why the hell would someone lay down so much money in one morning.

I'll tell you why. He wanted to discover what this "next gen" was all about.


This is arguably the first generation where the first visuals that make us say "Wow, that looks so real." This "wow" factor won't be as big (I would assume) in the next generation of games. So what will make us gamers chose one system over the other? That is the question that will rest in peoples mind until the next launch day comes.

Moving on, I plan to discuss what each console this generation did well and not so well.

Innovation - Nintendo Wii

I seem hard pressed to argue that any system is more innovative the the Wii. Motion control is the future of gaming, without a doubt. Try playing Resident Evil 4 on the Wii, and then playing it on the Gamecube. If you have played the Wii, then you know just how fun bowling or golf can be. One great example of simple Wii technology is Madden 07. The simple flicking to hike the ball and toss motion to pass are simple ideas that go a long way. Whichever console is to succeed next generation is going to have to incorporate motion in a unique way to appeal to most gamers.

Movies - Playstation 3

This is easy, two words "Blu-Ray". Although Xbox supported HD-DVD's, they chose the wrong side of the coin as Blu Ray proved victorious. Althought Blu Ray doesn't come without a price. At a whopping $400, the PS3 is no simple purchase, but if you enjoy movies and have a 60 inch TV begging for Blu Ray's then you might as well dish the money for a great system with some fantastic exclusives. I don't think I even have to mention the Wii here....

Online - XBOX 360

Let's be honest, paying to play a game online that we already payed $60 for isn't fun. However, at 50 dollars a year, Xbox 360 provides an online fix like no other. Although cussing pre pubescent children can cause ear bleeding, the fantastic amount of people online makes sure that you can play with all kinds of people on all kinds of game. However, the 360 isn't without its flaws in regards to online. $100 for a wireless internet adapter?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME. The Nintendo Wii and Playstation 3 both have internal wireless support. Shame on you Microsoft. The PS3 has free and pretty active online play, but the sheer amount of people that own a 360 and play online daily is astounding.

Accessories - Playstation 3

Controllers that don't run off of batteries! YAY! Controllers aren't a simple $20 or $30 dollars like they used to be. So when you buy one now, you are pretty much paying the price of a game. One thing that makes the PS3 controller so great is that we don't have to lay down an extra $10 - $20 for a charge pack for each controller. Not to mention the free internal wireless internet, browser, and Blu Ray player that went along with it.

Launch - Xbox 360

Let's all admit that the launch of the 360 was pretty good regardless of the shortage of systems. The 360 had an impressive set of launch games, as well as different types of systems to fit the costs of each gamer (Core and Pro systems). Not only was it the first to launch, but it was the first access to the next gen that gamers could experience.

Keeping their Identity - Nintendo Wii

The Wii had Zelda as a launch game, and shortly after, Metroid Prime 3 came out, then Super Smash Brothers and Mario Galaxy, and then Mario Kart. If any company has kept the tradition of improving great games that define the system, then Nintendo easily succeeds. Nintendo know was games their fans like, and they know what they have to do to keep the nostalgia constantly mixing with innovation.


So, looking back, this is what I want from Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony with their next generation of consoles.

1. Affordability: If the price is high, have the features to back it up.

2. Wireless controllers (THAT DON'T USE DOUBLE A BATTERIES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD) as well as internal wireless internet.

3. Impressive Launch games: Sony, give us FF15 on launch day and Microsoft give us Mass Effect 3 on launch day. Nintendo, We want a Zelda again on launch, and how about a Mario game as well.

4. Blu Ray support: Jump on the bandwagon Nintendo, we want to watch movies with your system. And Microsoft, play it safe this time and support Blu Ray.

5. Online Play: Online play should be active and constantly supported by each console. And please do away with friend codes.

6. Nostalgia: Remember your Roots. New concepts are nice, but tweaking the influences for those concepts is just as pleasing.

7. Original and intuitive controls. Pressing button should become a thing on the past.

8. Availability: Shortage of systems on launch day just isn't cool. Paying 100 or even 1000 more online for a system that is sparse on shelves just isn't cool.

9. Better Warranties. Don't brag about your system supposedly lasting ten years as gamers get to experience red rings. Make a quality system and back you work with a large (free or much cheaper) warranty.

10. Come with a HDMI cable. Don't brag about 1080 support and not include something like that.

----- THE END -----

Oh, and by the way, what do yall want with this next generation and what do you like about this one

I hope you enjoyed my rant, thanks for reading and happy gaming.

Four Generations of Games: Four Amazing Games

Thought I'd throw together a list of the best (or at least in my view) games of their respective generation. Starting with SNES and ending with our current generation.

Generation 1 (SNES, Sega Genesis): What was the best game of this era? 3 words: Super Mario World.

I don't think I really have to go into detail about how this game influenced the gaming market as a whole, but I think thousands of us gamers could say that it was THIS game that made us true gamers. Not only did this game lay the framework for what platformers should be like, it was better than Mario 3, which was arguably the best game before it. Dozens of levels, each one being unique, combined to make this game not only gorgeous, but also full of variety and challenge. The graphics were stunning for its time (and even is today), as well as the music, who anyone (even non gamers) can recognize as Mario tunes. Great game, perfect gameplay.

Honorable Mentions for Generation 1:


Maybe it was only me, but this game was my first and favorite sports title of all time. The game truly captured the quickness of basketball, and its hilarious commentating, over the top dunks, and unlimited fouling definitely was a plus.


Street Fighter 2:

The first fighting game to be as close to perfection as it was.

Generation 2 (N64, PS): This generation was tough, so many good games, but only one stood out from the rest.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Now, you can hate on this game, but simply put, the game was flawless. It had puzzles, it had amazing boss fights, it had horse racing, fishing, even diving off the waterfall in the Zora Fountain. Hell, Link wore a skirt, and was followed by Navi the fairy, and he's still considered a badass. The game was an adventure of epic proportions. The amount of hard work and detail that went into making this title can't be explained in words. Many were skeptical about its switch to 3D, but Nintendo did it flawlessly.

Honorable Mentions:


What a perfect shooter. Countless nights I spent playing this game on mutliplayer and trying to beat the game on the 007 level. Also, I still consider this to be the best game based on a movie ever.

Chrono Cross:

Many of you are saying WHAT?!?!!? NO FF7? Well, no. Do I think Chrono Cross is a better game, well, yes. The game's story was riveting, and its system of leveling took away grinding entirely. Also, the decisions you made decided which characters you could play as later on (how badass is that?). Also, the music is amazing. I think the game was dismissed because of its different combat system, as well as it being less popular and acclaimed then Final Fantasy. If you haven't played this game, it is worth every penny spent on eBay for it. You'll be doing yourself a huge disservice as a RPG fan if you haven't played it.

Generation 3 (Gamecube/XBOX/PS2): Like the previous generation, this was also tough to choose a winner. But, I'm confident in my choice: Resident Evil 4.

This game brought back to life (pun intended) a genre and series that had been in a huge hole in the past. This was my first Resident Evil game that I truly enjoyed, and that cried perfection as I played. The games removal of fixed backgrounds and awkward angles and implementation of first (sort of) person brought up a lot of controversy. Capcom took a risk, and it paid off. Never in my life have I been more genuinely afraid of a game. It wasn't the fact that someone was chasing you with a chainsaw that added fear. It was the fact that someone is chasing you, and you have one bullet, no herbs, and Ohh, there are 5 other guys with axes and squid like arms behind the dude with a chainsaw. Although the story wasn't the best, the game did have very well performed voice acting as well as amazing looking cutscenes. Also, the fact that the player had to press A to dodge a stab in the middle of a cutscene definitely added a new level of immersion.

Honorable Mention:


The title that put the XBOX on the map. Also the first shooter to be compared with Goldeneye as the best of all time. Like Mario, the music of Halo sticks with you. The story was great, the graphics were great. And I think we all can agree that without Halo, would there be a XBOX 360? I doubt it.


I can't find a better example of a game that was totally looked over. To this day, I still consider it to be the best football game of all time. I know I will turn some heads with this choice, but if you have played the game, you know that it put Madden to shame. The game was so well built, and so beautifully presented. Oh, and it only cost $20 when it came out. If you missed this game, go buy it from Gamestop for 3 dollars.

Generation 4 (PS3/XBOX360/Wii): Now, this generation isn't over yet, but my choice for the best game probably will remain after the generation is over. What game you ask? Super Mario Galaxy.

It seems as though each year, games get so much better, and the bar is set so high, that it's impossible to surpass. Mario Galaxy was, and still is, the game that proves to be the best showcase of what the Wii is capable of to date. Now granted, the game is only single player (well, more like one and a half player), there is no online play. However, the game did take a seemingly dead genre (platforming) and bring it back to life. Now, I've never said "Damn that was awesome" out loud when playing a game before Mario Galaxy. If you've played this game, then you shared the sensation of jumping off the edge of a cliff, then gravity spinning you all the way around the small planet. It's almost 4D (if that makes any sense). Not only was the game cool, its controls were spot on using the Wii's capabilities without overdoing them.

Honorable Mentions: I can't really fill this in yet until I play more games on systems that I don't have. Sorry :(

My note to the readers: I want to emphasize that this is MY list, maybe some favorites are the same as yours. Also, I realize that I may have missed some games in my gaming experiences, however, I think the ones I choose would still be the best regardless. Also, I want to stress that if you haven't played any of the games above listed, I highly suggest getting them, or in the case of Mario Galaxy, find a friend with a Wii to hang out with. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed my list. Thank you for reading!

Also, if you'd like to tell me your favorites of each generation, that'd be cool too!

Becoming "Famous"

What do I have to do to get a darn badge on this site?

I have the little member badge (which is pointless) and the I have the I voted, which I'm very proud of. I love its 4 colors (blue, red, yellow, and white) and how it's my hardest earned badge. I think it's sad though.

What do I have to do to get a damn badge on this site? You'd think that with my Shaun of the Dead avatar, I'd get the "Popular" tag, or that I'd get a tag for coming on GS everyday. Nope. No way. But then I go to people's profiles and see them have 40 badges, and they've only had an account for 4 months?!!?



I've written several quality reviews and had a darn blog post explaining GS's philosophy (which takes guts).

No Badge.

Heck, I even post comments in the PS3 forums rather than the Wii.

No Badge.

Someone tell me, what must I do to get more than two badges on this wretched site?!?!?

Gamespot's new (implied) philosophy. And my take.

Recent reviews on the Wii and even 360 and PS3 have angered several fans and fanboys, and the hatred toward Gamespot is more evident now than ever.

It started with the first review of zelda. Jeff rated the game as an 8.8, which shocked the whole country. Has any Zelda game ever gotten below a 9 on gamespot, or ign? No. And this shocked everyone. Flamers raided the forums calling Jeff a fat b*stard among other names. And I'll be honest, I was one of them, maybe not to that extent, but I was also very upset. Month's went on, and then Super Paper Maio comes out... 8.8 again?!!?! Will every Wii game be rated an 8.8? Well, that's what all of us thought.

All of the backfire against Gamespot seemed to indirectly cause for an overhaul of the rating system, adding special awards or demerits like "Shallow" or "Punishing Difficulty". As well as the poin system being even more general with increments of .5 . I was wondering what the heck gamespot was up to.

A few weeks ago, Bioshock hit the shelves, and IGN rated it as a 9.7, while GS rated it at a 9. More angry fans. Then Metroid Prime 3 comes out. 8.5 WTH?!?

Well guys, if you dont see where I'm going, it seems as though Gamespot has set the bar higher for video games. No GS doesn't hate the Wii, or Xbox, or even PS3. But what I can gaurentee you is that everyone working at Gamespot loves games. And they deserve their own opinion with each of these games. Sure these games may seem better than they posted, but all four of them are far from perfect. If anything, Gamespot is really looking for the next NEXT gen game.

We complained about how they marked zelda down too much for graphics saying "Well I guess graphics are more important than story and gameplay..." Not true. Lair had good story and graphics... oh.. and amazing audio, but horrible control and unsatisfying gameplay. What did it get? 8.8? ... no, it got a 4.5, nearly half of Zelda TP's score.

So guys, we all come back to GS for a reason, whether it's for the forums or for the next review, but granted, deep down inside, Gamespots opinion's on these top rate games really matter to us. Hence the flaming and late nights of arguing in the forums.

We need to respect the score they give each game, because it is THEIR score. Not ours. And in each of the cases, with Bioshock, Zelda TP, and Metroid Prime, regardless of the rating, they have claimed in each review that each game is a must buy. And howabout now instead of us complaining, lets strap on our Wii remote or hook up our live headset, cause we have better things to do than flame and complain.

Play on.