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Gaming on a budget.


Well, not exactly.

In the past several years, I have spent several thousand dollars on consoles and games (Nintendo Wii with 10 games or so, XBOX 360 with 13 games, PS3 with 2 games, and several years worth of World of Warcraft) and let me tell you, My wallet is hurting!

Although game prices haven't changed in the lastfew decades (That's right, Secret of Mana was over $50 when released), the quality of games has undoubtably improved and more and more companies are coming out with games that are "must buys".

So, what can a gamer do nowadays with all the good games being released holiday 09 into 2010 and little money in pocket?

Answer: Buy a Playstation 2

Now, I could've said Gamecube or XBOX, but since those games can be played on the Wii and 360 respectively, I chose to stick with the PS2. Also, many PS3 owners can't even play Playstation 2 games with their new model and weren't PS2 owners to begin with.

I've never had a PS2, and I rarely ever played one. As a result, I've missed out on dozens games that are arguably better than many of this generation.

"Well, what made you think about getting a PS2 in the first place?" you ask.

After browsing a local gaming stores site, I noticed how I could get a PS2 for LESS than two full priced PS3 or 360 games. I also noticed that several of the games are under 10 dollars, and then even more under 5! Although it is no surprise to see a past consoles games so cheap, it is undeniable the amazing deal you are getting with the library of great games the system has.

Thinking about getting MGS4?

HOGWASH! Get MGS2 and MGS3 first (you can get both for less than the price of the 4th), and you will undoubtably enjoy MGS4 tons more by playing its prequels.

Thinking about getting God of War 3 next year?

Get the first two for around $20.

Thinking about getting Tekken 6 or Soul Calibur 4?

Get NAMCO Fighter Collection which includes Tekken 4, Tekken Tag Tournament, and Soul Calibur 2 all for less than $20.

Another reason why the PS2 is still so appealing is because of its RPG library. If you didn't have a PS2, then you are missing out on Final Fantasy 10 & 12, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Persona 3 & 4, and many many more.

Are you a parent and hate buying so many games for you kids? Get them a PS2 and the Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank games, all for dirt cheap. They shouldn't be hearing Rico yell "F*CK" all the time anyways. :P

Now while my rant was annoying, skipping an entire system (those of you that didn't play or have a PS2 like me) doesn't make sense as a gameror for our wallets.

Save yourself several hundred dollars and go back to college with a PS2 in hand and relive the great gaming moments that you wouldn't have been able to had you not done so.

Hell, you could even spend more on your girlfriendthat constantly is pissedoff that you have the money to buy tons of games but not take her out to Olive Garden.

Thanks for reading!

Oh, and thanks to the guyson the Legacy forums who helped convince me to get a PS2!