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40 questions. Now with 100% more answers!

Well there's nothing to really blog (except CastleCrashers comming to PSN!!!)so I figured I'd let everyoneget to know me a little better! So here is the first 40 of 81 questions.

1. Do you like your name? - Yeah

2. Have you ever wished to be your opposite sex? - Regular chick, never. Lesbian, yeah.

3. If you were to have children, what would you name them? - Rambo and Wyatt

4. Do you even like kids? - If their hypothetical nonexistent ones, yes.

5. What time do you usually go to sleep on a weekday? On a weekend? - 11:00 and 11:00

6. What's your favorite word? - Idiotocracy

7. Have you ever tYpED lYk dIs at some point in your life? - no

8. What's your dream career? - Comic book artist.

9. If you could be any other race, what would you be? - Black

10. What are you listening to right now? - The voices in my head.

11. Grab any book by you, turn to page 69 and type out the last full sentence here: "He felt resentful" -iRobot

12. Do you like country music? Rap? - BURRRRRRN!!!!!

13. How would you like to die? - Sorry but I haven't exactly planed my death out yet.

14. Do you like taking pictures (not necessarily of yourself)? - Sure... from death to taking pictures, you're all over.

15. Do you use ":]" a lot? - No

16. Are your neighbors annoying? - Yes, and old.

17. Ice cream or Popsicles? - Ice Cream. Ever since seeing Watchmen and reading it I have sworn never to eat a blue Popsicle... EVER!

18. What was the last thing you drank? - Milk

19. The last time you left your house? Where did you go? - Outside

20. Are you loving life? - Yeah

21. Do you like the way you write? - Sure

22. What's your favorite animal? - A lemur

23. How many times have you used the restroom today? - Oh darn, I forgot to keep record of the number of times I used the toilet today. I knew it would have come in handy.

24. Are you hungry right now? - Sure

25. Turn on your TV (unless it's already on). What's playing? - And if I decide not to?

26. Do you like video games? - *Goes into other room to see Wii, PS3, and DS* I think you have your answer.

27. What's your favorite Pokemon? - Charmander, he's a lizard that shoots fire!

28. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? - Storm Dain's Adventure with inFamous.

29. Are you cool with bugs? - Some

30. Do you like Halloween? - Free candy and dressing up like a lunatic... YEAH!

31. What do you want for your birthday/Christmas? - My two front teeth and an anti-stupid question laser.

32. Have you ever fasted? - No

33. What's going on tomorrow? - Stuff

34. Are you doing well in school? - Yes

35. Do you have online friends? - This and the last two questions have led me to believe you're stalking me.

36. Do you think you're popular? - To an extent.

37. How much money's in your wallet? - $0.00 and some store cards.

38. When was the last time you laughed really hard? - Ummmmm, yesterday.

39. What's on the cover of your science binder? - Blue

40. Do you believe there's such thing as an non-racist person? - You really are all over with these stupid questions!
