hey y'all well tonight my friend trey from church he is back for a little while from counsiling at a summer camp and he talks about one of his kids being posesd this all happened last friday and its all true and its really hard to explain exactly what happend without him being here to tell you hisself well he said it scary at one part where it was the trinity all being there at once at that point i got a chill from the top of my head to my toes. what trey said that a month a go that kids brother had died from a diease and he blame god for all what happend and hes nine years old. and my youth pastor said for him saying that it let in the evil spirits to the cabins.
i believe all that had happend because i wont make that up i had some experience with some spirits and stuff like mostly with a full body apperition when i was five or six years old and till know i would see things that wouldnt be right or fly by that wasnt there
:? :! :question:
well my main question is do you believe that there are such things as spirits and how about good or evil spirits that rome this land and why i know i surly do