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first 3 days of school

hey y'all i went back to school the past wensday and i go back tommorow everything has been going great got friends in couple of my classes and have 2 of my friends ride the bus with me which us 3 live on the same road nobody and i mean nobody lives close to us at our bus stop except one of my friends friend that lives about 3 minutes away from going through the woods that i have even so i got homework all the time i have a slight chance of getting on gamespot of course what sucks is which my dad just had to have a dog so friday penny (name of the dog and no its not a girl) followed me and my friends up the road so me and william chased penny around and then i knew penny would follow me so i ran down the road just past amnesiacs house my dad backed up and drove back down to my house with penny right behind him and tied penny up.

p.s. dont be afriad to post comments