It was my 17th birthday yesterday. Quite an enjoyable day as you might expect. :P
Cutting it short, i got some money, a gift card, a few games, some shirts, and of course... a nice selection of confectionary.
So games. My brother bought me lego star wars on the PS3. I was playing co-op with him yesterday, and some on my own today. It's totally lego star wars, i forgot how fun that game was. I completed the first one on the PS2, but since then they've added some new features to the game and those levels so it still feels fresh, and of course i haven't played through episodes IV-VI yet, so i'm looking forward to that.
My mates also got me Chocobo Tales on the DS, and Batallion Wars 2 on the Wii, which i'm both eager to play. However, i'm stopping myself from playing them 'cause i have so many games on the go at the moment. I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright 2 amongst tons of other stuff which i should finish within the next week.
Perhaps more on that at a later date. I'm gonna wrap this up.
I haven't been really active with these blogs as of late, so apologies. I've been going crazy with school work, but it's not so bad now. So until next time...
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