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StevenCrockett6 Blog

17 Is Me!

It was my 17th birthday yesterday. Quite an enjoyable day as you might expect. :P

Cutting it short, i got some money, a gift card, a few games, some shirts, and of course... a nice selection of confectionary.

So games. My brother bought me lego star wars on the PS3. I was playing co-op with him yesterday, and some on my own today. It's totally lego star wars, i forgot how fun that game was. I completed the first one on the PS2, but since then they've added some new features to the game and those levels so it still feels fresh, and of course i haven't played through episodes IV-VI yet, so i'm looking forward to that.

My mates also got me Chocobo Tales on the DS, and Batallion Wars 2 on the Wii, which i'm both eager to play. However, i'm stopping myself from playing them 'cause i have so many games on the go at the moment. I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright 2 amongst tons of other stuff which i should finish within the next week.

Perhaps more on that at a later date. I'm gonna wrap this up.

I haven't been really active with these blogs as of late, so apologies. I've been going crazy with school work, but it's not so bad now. So until next time...

I Feel So Dirty!

On a whim i decided to start what you might call a 'proper' blog on I don't even know if i'm gonna use it all that much. Oh well! :lol:

Geez, i'm totally blogging about a blog. :|

I had two AS exams today General Studies and ICT. They both went alright i guess. Some of my ICT notes from the case study that i had did were missing, and i needed them for some of the questions. However, they gave us all a copy of the whole case study, and i was able to find the info i needed pretty quickly. I'll just wait and see how it turns out, hopefully i won't have to mess around with a re-take.

On a gaming related note, i've playing through Rainbox Six Vegas in the last couple of days. I think i'm near the end now, but yeah... pretty good game. Although it had good reviews, i was kinda sceptical; I got at at christmas and haven't really touched it at all. I can say i'm pleasantly surprised though.

I've noticed i've got about 120 quid in my room. There's a whole ton of games i still need to get, but it looks like there's also some good stuff that's coming out pretty soon. There's advance wars ds 2 in January, and finally some more good stuff for the wii; Zack and Wiki comes out really soon this month, and in february i have to get No More Heroes.

I've decided though that before i buy any new stuff, i'm gonna finish up my photography project and other bits of school work, and complete rainbox six and oblivion (well at least the main quest). It's all about motivation!

Well that's it for today folks. :P

Back From The Dead

Phew... it certainly feels good to be back.

I've been banned for about the past week by accident, but gratefully, i'm back so kudos to tech support for sorting me out.

I hope you all had a good christmas, and i wish you all a happy new year. :D

I'm chuffed, i got a 40-gb PS3 from my mum and dad... which was obviously very nice, and also got Rainbow Six Vegas and Oblivion. My bro also got me MoH: Airborne aswell as a scarf.

So yeah, i've been playing quite a lot over this holiday. The first thing i did was blow through medal of honor over a few days, while occasionally dipping into the other 2 games. But over the last week or so, Oblvivion has been in full effect, that game is amazing. I had mixed feelings at first; i initially thought it was cool, but then i was totally blown away by the scope of the game, and some of the elements i didn't understand. I was thinking how the hell am i gonna complete this?! But now, well i'm addicted really, i've got quests pulling me in every direction, but i love it. So i'll be quiet about Oblivion already.:P

Shortly before christmas i compiled a list on here of games i want to pick up for the system. That's on my 'wishlist' if anyone's interested. It looks painful... that's to say seriously expensive. It seems like it's gonna take ages before i'll get them all - another reminder that i need to get some part-time job. :cry:

I managed to try out the PS3 online. Not having a router, i had to mess around quite a bit; it involved bringing down the TV and PS3 from my room and squishing it near my PC downstairs in reach of the ethernet cable from the modem. It looked suitably ghetto, maybe i'll take some pics to put up on here - whenever i bother to set it all up again. My PSN account name thing is 'steven_crockett' if anybody wants to hook up on there, but yeah, i'll hardly ever be on there until i get a router.

Anyway, i hope you've all had a good time!