@Xristophoros Yea, As a player who is totally into fighting games, the FGC, and attends tournaments, Still, I realize that this game is lacking so much when it comes to 1 player content. When I bought the first SFIV in 2009, I wanted to play the story mode and unlock the anime cut scenes. I was interested in the story and unlocking cut scenes and completing the arcade mode gave me an objective that kept bringing me back to the game. I don't know what my response to a delayed story mode to June would have been at that time.
But, I guess what is happening now with the FGC's growing popularity among gamers and the popularity of Twitch, the competitive scene and becoming good at fighting games seems to be more appealing these days. So this is why Capcom wanted to have the game out before the Capcom Pro Tour and add content every month. They want to use the FGC and growing interest in gamers to become good at fighting games to build interest for this game.
@kyle004 How about they make dragon ball games that people want because there is a demand for good dragon ball games. Why take away the influence of consumers for false loyalty that may produce more weak games because THEY ARE SELLING.
@udubdawgz @StevenDaReal18 naw "political correctness" has been a conforming to what media is currently try to promote as popular. Man's attraction to women in an "overly aggressive way" has been deemed unpopular by "political correctness" BS. Somebody is using a misleading perception of feminism to put down "aggressive male attraction"
@keech @ThePowerOfHAT @Vandread25 Yep a yearly milking or an after the original series cash grab like Gears of War Judgement. This games transition from Arkham City isnt exciting like the transition of Arkham City from Arkham Asylum. This does seem similar to Call of Duty's "Squeezing the juice out of a series" method.
StevenDaReal18's comments