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PS3, Nethack review, and such

for xmas I got a ps3. I must admit, I adore it mainly because I have so many new games to play! Pre-ordered MAG yesterday, and I also completed WET. Wet was definitely alright, but it was too short, not warranting a full-price purchase (the 27 dollar used price was definitely more appropriate). I reviewed my favorite game of all time, Nethack, recently. Please, check out/recommend the review if you even sound tempted to play the game, although I strongly urge you to actually play it. I've still got a bunch of games to finish including: Bayonetta, Darksiders, MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles, and Resistance 2 (I finished the first one on wednesday). Anywho, I guess I'll take a break from all the ps3 by laying down watching Black Books (an amazing britcom that I highly recommend, check it out on hulu), and playing nethack!