Well the other day I finally ordered the darkness, unfortunately I accidentally checked the cheap shipping so it'll take 5-10 days to come in. :( All I can do now is sit and wait and play some Gears of war to satisfy my violent itch, that and dead rising. Also, I recently finally got around to finishing the GH II campaign on expert and I'm 2 songs away from getting all 5 stars: misirlou and Psychobilly freakout. I know on both I can get 5 stars on the right day, I'm just waiting for that day to come. When I finally get that done I can really dedicate my time to buckethead. I can always get 59% of the way through but end up failing just before the solo gets easy. Once that's out of the way I can move onto the darkness (or play the darkness when it comes in, whatever comes first.) What sucks for me about GH II achievements was I was already pretty okay at the game before I bought it for the 360, so the easy and medium campaign achievements elude me... Maybe one of these days when I'm under the influence I'll get around to completing them... but it's a shame that it's like that. Well, I'll make another update when more news comes, and keep an eye out for more reviews as I will be working soon and when I get stuck at the front desk (I'm working at the library), there's usually not too much to do between patrons coming, so I will work on some reviews!
[UPDATE]: I finally got around to upgrading to total access, and when I checked my bank account it seems I wasn't charged for the darkness even though I got confirmation saying that the game is being shipped. So, we'll see how this plays out in the long run...
[UPDATE 2]: Alright, so I checked my bank account, and it appears that I was finally charged for the game, oh well at least I know that it is definately going to be at my house sometime soon.... I hope.