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Anyway I am going through Splinter Cell Chaos Theory at the moment, 1 level per evening. I have completed, since sunday (which I did 2 levels that night, the boat and the bank) 4 levels. I am going to start the displace level tonight. I hope to be finished by the weekend, so next week I can start to finish Call of Duty 2, I am already done with the russian campaign and quite far into the british campaign, I am looking forward to actually getting through to the American section with the woodland levels.
Once Splinter Cell 3 and Call of Duty 2 are done with, I will FINALLY finish Halo 2. I know I know, I bought the game for £45 on release day, which was my birthday, November 9th, the metal tin edition and I played single player for a few hours, jumped on xbox live mainly and hardly touched it since. Every few months I will go through and play a bit, but I have never attempted to complete it. But I hope to get that done too.
Then once all them FPS's are done with, I finally want to finish Wind Waker, what I might do is play through Ocarina of Time in a few nights, then Majoras Mask, then continue onto Wind Waker.
All this is ultimatly so this Christmas I have completed all Splinter Cells in time for Splinter Cell 4 and ready for the next batch of big games.
Damn gaming can be tough some times.