Hi Ultimo, you can get an 8800GT 512Mb for less that $200, it would go great with your system and the resolution you play at. I'm only having to get the higher end stuff because of the graphics work I do which requires a higher res monitor...
Thanks Patrickstat, I have an Antec Power Trio 650 watt power supply with three 12v rails = 59amps. I think that's enough. Thanks for the input. I just hope this all works out.
I do CG work and I'm looking forward to any enhancements to be had with this new hardware, CUDA supported applications and boosts intrigue me. Photoshop is even accelerated by GPU, I'm looking forward to that.
thanks for the input patrickstat, I have an ASUS P5K-e Wifi motherboard. It's a great motherboard with the p35 chip, I'm just not too keen on SLI because I would have to upgrade my mobo, psu and get another vid card... GTX280 sounds like it would smoothen things out, and maybe future proof it for another couple of years. My 8800GTX lasted me about a year and a half, and I want to upgrade and sell the old one before it's not worth anything. Yay or Nay on the GTX 280?
By the way, my monitor native resolution is 1920x1280, anything lower just looks blurry. I've been looking for an upgrade that wasn't SLI, I almost bought the 9800 GX2, but now I'm really thinking about this card. What do you guys think?
I'm currently running a Q6600 @ 3.0GHz with an 8800gtx on WinXP. My motherboard does not support SLI, would this be a worthy upgrade for me or is it going to be a waste?
Wow, such a lengthy reply and lots of research. Benchmarks mean nothing, go buy one and judge for yourself. The GTX benches better than the 2900 at this time. Simple fact. Go check guru3d. Why do people get so worked up over stuff like this?
Stickman116's comments