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Buttload of Crap

Sigh...quite a bit has happened since my last post.

A few weeks ago I lost my job at Subway due to a misunderstanding. In turn, my mother forced me to drop out of community college and move to Pennsylvania to live with my dad. Now here I am...back in the state of my birth...friendless, jobless, and schoolless. =/

Can't say it's all bad. My dad and step-mom are very supportive, and I soon have an interview with the Art Institute in York.

As for gaming, it's been slow, but I do have plenty to keep me busy. I'm still playing the Orange Box. Furthermore, I bought Sonic Unleashed, The Godfather: Don's Edition, and The Godfather 2. So, when I do have time, I'm set.

I've also been taking a look at the Resistance series, and find myself intrigued. Also, November is coming up, the biggest month for gaming. The game I will deffinetly be getting is Rayman Origins. Sonic Generations is also a consideration.
