If you looked at my blog yesterday, you can tell I am very hyped by the announcement of Grand Theft Auto Auto V! The GTA series is one of my favorites, third only to Mortal Kombat and Hitman.
First off, I am loving the logo! If you haven't seen it yet, SHAME ON YOU!! lol
There are currently many discussion articles on IGN over the announcement. Fans are voicing what they wanna see in the game.
This is what I have to say. Many fans were disappointed by the realism exhibited by GTAIV and its expansions. They want GTAV to return to the over-the-top antics of San Andreas.
Personally, San Andreas is my least favorite game in the series. I LOVED GTAIV! To me, the realism of Liberty City in that game proved what video games can do, and I welcome its return in GTAV. This is Grand Theft Auto, not Saints Row.
Another discussion of late is whether or not GTAV should use the Motion Scan tech that LA Noire used. Now I did watch my friend play LA Noire once. I wasn't really that impressed, as I didn't see much of a difference in the facial animations. With that said, I could care less whether Rockstar uses it or not. I already know the characters will be memorable with or without the most realistic of faces.
I cannot wait. 2012 is gonna be a great year for games!