Every good hero needs an archvillian. The round and portly Dr. Robotnik (now known as Eggman) has antagonized Sonic ever since the beginning.
It all started when Eggman began turning the animals of South Island into robots. This evil plot caught the attention of everyone's favorite hedgehog. After his first defeat, Eggman instantly went back to the drawing board. His next devious invention would be the Death Egg, a plot that expanded three games!
Eggman is one of those villians that never gives up! He has been in every single Sonic game whether he be the main villian or not! So many brilliant plans that went down in smoke! Ressurecting an ancient god, even releasing his grandfather's handy work. Eggman's thirst for domination is so powerful, he doesn't care if his life is in danger.
Power is such a fickle thing.