With every hit film usually comes a game adaptation. With every hit video game, eventually comes a movie adaptation. Both situations are neither good nor bad. It depends on how big of a fan you are. First up, here are my top five best video game/film adaptations...
5. Hitman: Released in Fall of last year, it starred Timothy Olyphant as Agent 47. After a supposed failed assassination on a Russian leader, clone assassin 47 must find out why his attempt failed, all the while protecting a prostitute named Nika. This was a pretty good film and remained somewhat true to the game. However, it did have flaws such as 47 having a love interest.
True story actually. When Hitman came out, my mother tried to sneak me in while she and the fam went to see Fred Clause. I was almost through the previews when the **** who sold us the ticket caught me. He made me switch the ticket over to go see Bee Movie. I was mad at first, but then I felt better as my older brother took me to see it two days later. Now I look back on the event and laugh.
4. Resident Evil: I'm ok with the RE series, and the films aren't that bad. Good zombie action, usually a comic relief. My favorite by far is Extinction. Nuff said.
3. Sonic the Hedgehog: Although it was a straight to video release, this animated adaptation of everyone's favorite hedgehog proved to be the closest incarnation of the games than any other Sonic media. Looking back at it, the story seems like a light-hearted version of the one seen in Sonic '06. Eggman captures Princess, releases Metal Sonic and it's Sonic, Tails and Knuckles to the rescue! This movie was fun.
2. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within: I haven't seen Advent Children, but the Spirits Within is just as good. Sure it wasn't adapted from a FF game, but the movie proved to be a big hit in the genre of Sci-Fi and one of the first movies to use full CGI (as seen recently in Beowulf). In fact, I believe all game films should use full CGI. It would be better than using actors who look nothing like the character.
1. Mortal Kombat: The very first film to prove that video games can make it in Hollywood! Mortal Kombat was martial arts action at it's best, with Robin Shou perfecting the role as Liu Kang. The movie made the already popular fighting series even more of a phenomenon, complete with a techno theme song that is still popular to this day! The film's story revolved around MK1 with elements and characters from MK2. It was followed up by a sequal in 1997, called Mortal Kombat Annhillation. The film was based on MK3, but was poor. Many actors from the first film didn't return and the fight sequences were short and crappy. Now, the director known as Mink is working on a third film which has been in developement for over a decade. The film plans to reinvent the MK universe as well as make Sub-Zero the hero. The movie's hopefull release date is 2010.
There are many games in line for a film, The Suffering being one of them (can't wait!). Here are a few games I'd like to see become a hit in the box office...
1. Twisted Metal: The carnage is enough to get this game onto the big screen! Even co-creator Scott Campbell said he'd want to see a Twisted Metal movie. If ever a reality, I'd like to see Micheal Clark Duncan as Axel.
2. TimeSplitters: Sci-Fi's a great genre and TimeSplitters is perfect for that genre! However, the aspect of Time Travel would have to be well thought out for the film, instead of them hopping all over the place!
3. Final Fantasy X: FFVII may be the big hit, but FFX has always been my favorite of the series. It's epic enough to become a trilogy like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars! But who would play Tidus? More importantly, who would play Wakka?!
4. SSX: The best in snowboarding with interesting characters and a great concept. SSX would be awesome! Nuff said.
5. Zelda: Not much to explain. It's a beautiful and epic series and we're tired of fake trailers.
That's all I can think of for now. How about you? Just comment and let me know! But not before you read this next section!
Next up is a small list of films I'd like to see become a game!
1. A Clockwork Orange: I've only recently seen this film. It was weird but good! I can see Rockstar Games working on it just like they did with The Warriors.
2. Purple Rain: Yes, I am a Prince fan. This game would probably play out like Guitar Hero and be more of a collection of Prince songs (like Aerosmith) instead of a movie adaptation. Still be good though.
3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: I liked this movie, honestly I did. It'd be cool to see a Lego version. Traveller's Tales will probably release it in a few months like they did with Lego Star Wars.
Again, let me hear ya! Post what movies you'd like to see become games.
And speaking of adaptations, I got Predator Concrete Jungle for Xbox. Should have a review up in a few days.