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Of Birthdays, Bikinis and E3

I've already commented about it and PMed him, but today is Thug2Wasteland's 16th B-day! If you catch him today, show the brotha some love!

I will have my review of DOA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball soon. Great game, not too much to offer though.

And of course, today starts coverage of E3 '08! G4 will be showing live coverage from the show all week long. I'll be tuning in with a season pass recording just in case I miss anything. If you have G4, tune all this week and get the latest word on new titles and other games you've been waiting for. I've got my eyes on quite a few including Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Chronicles. I don't have my hopes up as this may never happen, but I'm hoping Sega will announce a third Jet Set Radio. Who knows, E3 is always full of surprises.

-You've just been tagged (as in graffiti tag)