I think this brings up a great observation... I watch some of the videos of Gamespot people playing games together and some of them are just bad at them because of reaction time. But getting older does slow down your reaction time as well. We aren't 5 years old anymore playing the NES and burning through Mario. Look at Dragon Age Inq coming out. They are making it so you can pause a battle that you're in. Why? so you can setup your characters like you would want them. I don't know how I feel about that because a battle is non-stop. I view it as almost a handicap because you're not quick enough to go with the flow of the battle. Is this so that older people can enjoy it or is it because the game requires it because it's hard? I feel it's more the first.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum @youre_a_sheep @KillaGinjaNinja I agree. I hunt and I wouldn't want it. I do fine without it, not sure why I would tilt the cards to my advantage more so.
I remember Friday the 13th was impossible... I learned that playing that game and uttering my first curse words that my parents would come to my room and pummel me with a belt haha. oh the good ol' days.
Also, awesome ep Jess. Reminded me of the great times I learned how to rage quit games lol.
@guardianofhonor @n0xinab0x I think if it is true that you weren't a part of the process. Jess, I think you a good looking gal and hope you have a wonderful V-Day in spite of these morons.
I haven't utilized the "gift" section of Steam but I believe it's a great feature to have. Especially when they have their huge sale events when you've been telling your friends how awesome a game is and they still don't want to fork over the cash, this gives an option to get it to them.
Steam is pretty amazing. I've had an account there for over 7 years. Makes it easy to get old and new titles without having to drag my kid to a game store and teach my son why the person behind the counter is a case of lack of parental guidance.
Sto_Ln's comments