warhammers great, think of all the fun things to do in wow with all the grinding and stuff you hate left out, thats warhammer. the game does pvp so well, if u want to gain experience you dont even have to do a quest if you dont want to, just killing enemy players and winning scenarios(battlegrounds) will level you up nearly as fast. i predict the subscription count will get to millions once more people discover WAR
Stomperat's forum posts
If you're looking for a real challenge, play an RTS.
yep that reminds me myth: the fallen lords, an RTS from 1997 probably one of the trickiest games i ever played (maybe the best too)
I always put games on the hardest setting and still think they're too easy compared to games from 10-20 years back. games back in the day were desinged to last you a long time, so u got your moneys worth and felt like you accomplished something by beating them. i played mass effect, put it on the hardest difficulty and it was still so easy, same with assassin's creed and heaps of others i've played lately.
someone recommend me the most difficult game they can think of, i'm keen to play it :D will be a nice change from these piss easy releases of the last few years
Saying you have a life when you play that much WoW is inherently contradictory. That's like saying you hate air yet you breathe it constantly. The colloquial meaning of socializing is getting out of your house, moving around, and meeting new people. Running through CG environments and meeting CG representations of people and convincing yourself that you're a popular person while starting at your friends list is quite honestly antisocial. krazyorange
^^ that post wins, i'd say its all very true. I saw a forum once that was made for people addicted to wow, it was quite funny, most of the people there said they'd played wow so much that when they finally went out and interacted with real people they found they had nothing to talk about except thier epic sword, and that conversation wouldnt go down too well in a pub XD
PC game pirating dosnt make sense to me, if u can afford a good computer capeable of playing the latest games then u can afford the games themselves staright up and down.
i'm guessing its because its so easy and readily avalible, one click for the latest game, it wont last forever tho. the internets file sharing is still in its infancy once they establish a law i'm sure they can shutdown the websites and even punish anyone who tried to download, that will be a good day for pc gaming.
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