Stoner-Dude's forum posts
I think you are taking this 4D and the PS3 too seriously. I think you need to turn off that Discovery Channel, and get with the Gaming Social Program here. :)Taiko88ok then...basically you ate sony's crap and your still picking it out of your teeth 4d gaming was around since pong.
That what I figured, but what does is exactly do.. Give me an example. when I'm in a rocket I travel in 4 dimensions...I need to take time into account because the universe is huge and the immense speed I'm going at (near the speed of light time slows down, faster than light time goes backwards) Interesting..Meh Instein threw one dimension in cause Hitler dared him to[QUOTE="Stoner-Dude"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="Stoner-Dude"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="purplemidgets"]The fourth dimension is time, so all consoles are in 4Dxxgunslingerxx
going faster then the speed of light does not cause time to go backwards it causes time to stop for the person going at the speed of light and causes the rest of the world to fastforward
ie if u go at the speed of light for 5 minutes and then stop the world gets like 10 years older and ur still the same
the ratio is not right but the concept is
[QUOTE="Stoner-Dude"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="Stoner-Dude"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="purplemidgets"]The fourth dimension is time, so all consoles are in 4DThe_NemacystThat what I figured, but what does is exactly do.. Give me an example. when I'm in a rocket I travel in 4 dimensions...I need to take time into account because the universe is huge and the immense speed I'm going at (near the speed of light time slows down, faster than light time goes backwards) Interesting..Meh Instein threw one dimension in cause Hitler dared him to Or rather, because time travel is very possible. That is why its the 4th dimension.. You can travel through time, and it doesn't relate to 3d at all. well time travel isn't see...there is a reason light isn't's moving so fast that the air's friction destroys any matter that might have existed in light...same with time machines. and if you do it in space without air than you collide with dark matter and....BOOM... But 4d is time travel and space travel in conjuction with each other.
[QUOTE="Stoner-Dude"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="purplemidgets"]The fourth dimension is time, so all consoles are in 4DTaiko88That what I figured, but what does is exactly do.. Give me an example. when I'm in a rocket I travel in 4 dimensions...I need to take time into account because the universe is huge and the immense speed I'm going at (near the speed of light time slows down, faster than light time goes backwards) And you're an astronaut? Or Russian Kosmonaut? Working for NASA or the USSR(former)...Not really.....just some discovery channel here and there...some know all the stuff people seem to (unfortunately) be lacking today
[QUOTE="Stoner-Dude"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="purplemidgets"]The fourth dimension is time, so all consoles are in 4DArisShadowsThat what I figured, but what does is exactly do.. Give me an example. when I'm in a rocket I travel in 4 dimensions...I need to take time into account because the universe is huge and the immense speed I'm going at (near the speed of light time slows down, faster than light time goes backwards) Interesting..Meh Instein threw one dimension in cause Hitler dared him to
[QUOTE="purplemidgets"]The fourth dimension is time, so all consoles are in 4DArisShadowsThat what I figured, but what does is exactly do.. Give me an example. when I'm in a rocket I travel in 4 dimensions...I need to take time into account because the universe is huge and the immense speed I'm going at (near the speed of light time slows down, faster than light time goes backwards)
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