No, I don't think so. JRPG and WRPG are very different types of game so they can't really be compared with the "<,>,=" signs. The signs would indicate they're variations of one type of game and one is better than the other. Both game genres have different history of development, but both originated share the roots of the western D&D board games . My preference is WRPG because they move faster and are real time based more often than turn based, which saves a lot of time.
While I can't make a fully educated comment since I did not play the full game, I did play the demo. This game is nothing exceptional, but it deserves a unique place in 3DS lineup because it is clearly a western type RPG, and I do not believe there was one western rpg on 3DS yet. Closest to it is Abyss I and Abyss II games in the DSiware category. Maybe this is boring for those of us who are seasoned players, but for new, less experienced, gamers this is pretty good. The demo shows how well this game runs. No slow downs, decent graphics.
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