OK, here's what I thought of E3. Basically, instead of giving lists or that kind of thing, I'll just tell you what went well, what could've done better, and what went wrong. Then, I'll tell you the one game that, in my opinion, stole the show. And believe me when I say this: you'll be shocked at my choice.
What went well:
Halo 3 - Excellent new trailer. It's great to see Bungie showing us some of the Campaign stuff, but not so much as to give away some big details. I'm really liking the new Brute Chopper, and the graphics look substantially better than they were in the beta.
Mass Effect - This didn't steal the show, like I predicted it might, but damn if it didn't make me impressed. The graphics? Beyond amazing. The story and dialogue really impressed me as well. It looks to be on the path to much success, and it's freakin' BioWare. We know it'll do well.
Killzone 2 - Excellent showing at E3 for this game. Looks like this game is just about constant carnage, and it sure as hell showed. I'm looking forward to seeing more about this game.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - Great, dramatic trailer. The game looks great, and the story looks to be one of the best yet. The fight scene at the end with Raiden was badass.
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - This almost looks like Wind Waker on DS. Now, as long as that annoying-as-hell stealth sequence in the beginning of the game isn't in PH, I'll be happy. That thing drove me up a damn wall...
LittleBigPlanet - Hell yeah. The game looks really fun, especially with the ability to create all sorts of crazy things. Plus, let's face it, the little characters you play as are cute, especially when you begin smacking each other around. It even has the cartoony sound effect. How sweet is that?
Heavenly Sword - This is God of War on speed. And it looks beautiful, too. Will it sell PS3s? It might. But it'll definitely help to justify a purchase of one.
Soul Calibur IV - I've always been an SC fan, especially since 3, and SC4 is gonna be sweet. Nightmare's new look makes him even more of a badass then ever before. The gameis justgoing to be excellentfrom all angles. And online play? The icing on the cake.
Rock Band - "Enter Sandman" is playable. Enough said.
What could have went better:
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Don't get me wrong, the game had a good showing at E3, and it looks to be another great game. But no online play? Lame.
Mario Kart Wii -The least you could have done was show us a little gameplay footage. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to it, but a little more than just a mere announcement would've been better.
Grand Theft Auto IV - Same stuff, different day. Some new info would've been neat. But, hey, there's always the final trailer to look forward to.
What went wrong:
The PSP redesign - If that's all you're doing to the PSP, I'm disappointed. Better battery life is always good, but make a few more changes that just size and weight.
Halo Wars - I'll admit, I'm glad they showed something about it. But seriously, that's all you're showing us, a small gameplay video? I'm sorry, but I'm not entirely sold. Show us something more.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - I'm sayin' it. Don't cry, though - I'm still looking forward a lot to this game. But come on, a release date alone ain't enough for something as high-profile as this. Ah well, guess there's always TGS.
OK, are you ready? Now time for the one thing that just stole the show for me. Like I said, my choice might shock you.
My pick for what stole E3 2007 is...
Silent Hill 5
Yep. I never saw this coming. No one did. And as soon as I found out about it, my immediate reactions was "Holy crap!", followed by a little further investigation of it. I'm not the biggest SH fan - far from it - but I don't hate the series either. It's literally scared the hell out of me on a few different occasions, especially with SH3. If this game is anything like 3...I hate to say it, but I think it could give RE5 a run for its money.
Well, that's it for now. 'Til next blog, this is Storm, signing off. Later.
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