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Zombies, insanity, and fear - all brought to you by Xbox 360

I've been playing the 360 almost too much...I really need to take a break from it, but all the great games I've been playing these days have been on the 360. I can't help that. But hey, at least they're all good games.

The first one, if you can't tell by the blog title, is Dead Rising.I've been having a blast playing it, if only because of the fact that letting the zombie bodies hit the floor in all sorts of imaginative ways is fun. And since everyone and their brother is an Acheivements freak now, I've been chasing some of them purposefully - and most of the ones I've been chasing are rather easy to get. There's no way in hell I'm getting Saint or Zombie Genocider - I just don't have the patience(Saint) or the time(Zombie Genocider, where even taking the easy way out requires 4 hours of Maintenance Tunnels commitment!) to get them. Still, I've gotten over 300 points from the game already.

The next one is Gears of War. I still can't praise the game enough. It isn't the next Halo, or even a Halo-slayer(pun COMPLETELY intended), but its still an amazing game. I've finished it on Hardcore and am now nearing the halfway point on Insane. The wildest part? I've done all this campaign stuff alone - I have not resorted to co-op yet. I'm nearing the 400-point mark for that game. And no, I have not been involved in the Gears bashes - I've heard they've moved on to Rainbow 6 Vegas, which I am hoping to get through Gamefly sometime soon.

And finally, I've been playing F.E.A.R on 360. The game is fun, but some of the stuff that happens in that game might make the weak-at-heart jump in fright. You see, your character has periodic visions and illusions, some of which might scare gamers, if only because you never see them coming. I have very few points from that game but will most likely get some more in the future.

And a game that doesn't have acheivements that is still fun to this day? Halo 2. I've been getting back into it, because the Blastacular map pack - you know, the one where everyone had problems downloading? - is now free to download. Got 'em just today. I don't need to have played them to tell you they're both awesome. The two maps are remakes of Halo 1 maps Hang 'Em High(remade as Tombstone) and Derelict(remade as Desolation). I've only formally played on Desolation, which is mayhem in every sense of the word, but it's still a riotous good time. And, having explored Hang 'Em High in Halo 1, I can only fathom at what kind of chaos can be unleashed there.

Also, if you haven't noticed yet, I've finally uploaded some videos. Three are speed runs - one in Mario Kart DS and the other two in Sonic Advance 3 - and the other two are montages composing of footage I snagged with indirect capture while I was playing the Halo 3 Beta. The video quality isn't the best, and I do apologize, but I had to make do with what I had. Still, I think they're good views. My second H3B montage in particular was fun to make and is something I still view. Another montage is coming, but I can't say an official release date yet, if only because I don't know when I'll finish the damn thing!

In closing, thanks for reading this (surprisingly long) text blog, and stay tuned - I'll be telling you my E3 predictions later today or tomorrow. Until then, this is Storm, signing off.
