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Modern Warfare 2

I just finished Modern Warfare 2 for the Xbox 360 and i have to say it was awesome :), i could hardly keep my hands of the controller and when i was finally satisfied i had completed the campaign 100%, that includes every single hidden enemy intel and every level completed on veteren, it took me awhile to complete the game on veteren because some parts of the campain are extremely hard. I only have 1 tip for anyone trying to complete the game on veteren, just keep moving, i know that may sound corny but the AI can spot you from miles away and literally shoot you through walls!, and if they can shoot you they will toss like four frags where you are hiding and when you move to evade the explosion they will cut you down with friken FALS, and AK-47's the weapons differentiate it depends on the level you are attempting to complete . If you need any help with levels or finding the unfindable little laptops they call enemy intel send me an email or post something below this blog post anyway have fun and dont get to pissed off :)