The Bourne Comspiracy is a great game and tells the story of the first Jason Bourne film called 'The Bourne Identity', here's a breaf description of what it is,
It begins with Jason Bourne, the protagonist, trying to assassinate African dictator Nykwana Wombosi, who knows too much about Treadstone, the black-ops organization that Bourne works for. After fighting his way through Wombosi's guards and several mercenaries, he confronts Wombosi, but is unable to kill him, because Wombosi's children are present. Bourne is shot in the back and thrown overboard.
Bourne survives, and makes his way to a bank in Zurich, where he keeps a safety deposit box full of money and passports. On his way out, the police attempt to detain him, but he escapes to the American Embassy. There, the Marines attempt to detain him. He escapes from the embassy, then asks Marie Kreutz, whom he met in the embassy, to drive him to his Paris apartment, offering a large sum of money in return.
Once at Bourne's apartment, Marie accidentally informs Treadstone that Bourne is still alive. They send an assassin to kill Bourne, but Bourne subdues the assassin, who then throws himself out the window to avoid interrogation. Bourne and Marie escape from the Paris police, who were alerted after the assassin killed himself, then travel to Marie's friend Edmond's house in the countryside.
They spend the night at Edmond's house, but before they can leave the next morning, they are attacked by another assassin. Bourne stabs the assassin to death, then sends Marie away as he goes to Treadstone to get the assassins off his trail.
Once there, he warns his former boss, Alexander Conklin, to leave him alone. Instead, Conklin has several Treadstone agents attack Bourne. He incapacitates the agents, then chases Conklin into an alley. As they struggle, another assassin appears and shoots Conklin. Bourne pursues the assassin and ultimately kills him. The game ends in Greece, where Bourne and Marie are reunited.