Recently bought Pro Evo 08, Call of Duty 4 (both PS3)and Hellgate London (PC), having played all of them the only one I'm still playing on a regular basis is COD4.
With Hellgate I was massively disappointed with the game, as it felt like a bit of a let down after such a long wait. Even though the graphics are great, the gameplay mildly addictive, it felt like Diablo 2.5 in that not much has changed. Little niggles such as not even having a auto sort function in the inventory section and bugs here and there, makes one wonder how such a massively delayed game can still feel rushed and incomplete.
With Pro Evo 08 again I was let down, even though I had been eagerly anticipating it's arrival for months,after playing I felt that I prefered it's predecessor 07. The game just felt slower and not quite right, and not being able to rotate the angle/view of the replays like you could in previous incarnations felt like a backward step. Having also tried to access the multiplayer, I instantly regretted not getting on my xbox 360 instead as after registering my usercode and password, I was again asked to enter it again, so I decided not to bother and log out instead. Now I'm stuck withit having since found out that once registered, it effectively makes the game worthless as you cannot trade it in - thanks Konami ^^
Call of Duty 4 is great fun on multiplayer and singleplayer. However, the single player campaign is shockingly short - I thought Bioshock and Gears of War was bad but this was only around 5 hours compared to 10 for Bioshock/GoW.I feel for the people who don't play online as they won't have had much return for their money. I hope they release some sort of free expansion to boost the longevity of the offline mode, but I know its wishful thinking. The only thing I can hope for is more players per game (having been used to 32 in warhawk, 18 isn't a great deal), and more map variety in multiplayer mode. Would love to see a similar amount of players to a old PC game Delta Force: Black Hawk Down - 50 player mayhem.That and better servers would be fantastic.