TacOps version 4 (PC)
Background: I have never been in the military, but for my entire life I have been fascinated with military history. Naturally, I should enjoy wargames...however...it's taken me years before I have developed the attention span and knowledge base to begin playing them.
1 1/2 weeks ago I purchased TacOps v.4, and it's great. Here are some of the things I like about it so far:
1) It's unpredictable. No two games will be played the same twice. For instance, I have only played the Tutorial 4 times...and, the first time I got my butt kicked.
2) It's eye opening...for example, here is the Tutorial:
The Tutorial
You start out with an M1 tank platoon, an LAV25 platoon and an AAV7 platoon. The LAV25 and AAV7 are each carrying infantry units...3 infantry teams in the LAV25, and 1 infantry squad, an infantry MG team and an ATGM Javelin team (!) on the AAV7. You also have two artillery units providing support.
The enemy has some tanks (T-80s), BMPs and infantry hidden in some woods about 3,200 meters to the east.
The first thing is to study the map (especially the terrain) and develop a plan. The second thing is to give orders...finally, you begin the combat phase.
Two eye-opening things that I'm noticing are 1) the importance of maintaining contact with the enemy and 2) the ugly reality that all engagements entail losses.
#2 sounds obvious in a wargame, however, it feels painful to lose tanks when you only have 4 of them...especially when the enemy has tanks and BMPs with ATGMs.
The Surprise
I never thought I would get emotional playing a game that visually just shows some boxes moving across a map! (Especially when I'm just in the Tutorial.)
However, winning feels so rewarding.
TacOps looks like a simple game on the surface, but there is so much to it. I am learning a ton about warfare (in theory, at least) simply by replaying the tutorial and reading my way through the manual.
The game is changing the way I look at military history, which as mentioned, I have always enjoyed. In fact, I feel like I'm beginning to understand current events a little better.
I really am looking forward into delving further into this game. It might open the door for me to enjoy the stack of other wargames I have that are collecting dust (Korsun Pocket, Airborne Assault, etc.).
I don't know what else to say. This is like a graduation ceremony for me since I've always wanted to be a grognard but lacked the discipline to sit down and really study a game...
In Other News
Uncharted 2 is turning out to be a really enjoyable game. I had no idea if I would like it but so far it is a lot of fun.
Why Am I Posting This Blog?!
Well, I feel like I have discovered a new genre of games with TacOps. It's like learning a really fun card game for the first time. It feels good to be excited about a game :)
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