Stowik / Member

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Final Blog Post

Dear Gamespotters,

I have been a member of this community since May 2, 2006.

I was 27 then, now I am 31. In 4 years, I spent a lot of time enjoying gaming, learning about gaming and discussing gaming with others from around the world.

Gamespot allowed me to gain confidence in expressing ideas anonymously...gaming was a good form of entertaintment for me, too.

I have no regrets.

A year ago, I met the woman who will soon be my wife (soon as in an undisclosed time period).

I love her more than life itself. She means more to me than all except God; the commitment and love is mutual.

I have been praying for God to bring this woman into my life for nearly two decades...and she has been well worth the wait.

This is the happiest I have been in my life. I look forward to our wedding and thank God for her every day.

The issue is that I cannot afford to play games anymore. She went out of town for a little while and I purchased Starcraft my horror, after she returned to town, I spent 4 hours playing that game without a break.

Excessive gaming and a God-honoring marriage are incompatible in my opinion. I have to pick one or the other, and I wholeheartedly am picking marriage.

Enjoy games while you can...just don't forget that life is short and the woman of your dreams could be waiting.

In Christ,
