A bug has infected our office and I'm the third casualty. I feel like a cloud of sickness has descended upon me...food tastes strange, everything smells weird and I just feel like crap.
Here are some games that have been helping me fight these miasmatic days:
Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3) Here is my problem...I "1/10" like Batman, however, this game was extraordinarily well put together. So..."9/10" from me.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (PC) Here is my other problem...I have never wanted to role play a vampire before. I guess I enjoyed it in Oblivion, however...an entire game centered around blood is just too dark for my tastes.
Eternal Poison (PS2) I'm not really an SRPG fan...yet. Actually, I liked Silent Storm and Valkyria Chronicles...but the "grid" system as featured in Eternal Poison, Disgaea or FF: Tactics doesn't really interest me.
Madden NFL 10 (PS3) I returned this one, too. I enjoy sports, but not so much in games. I would be interested to play a game in which all of the players had the exact same stats...basically, a move back in time towards the purer and less-complicated sports games of the NES.
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (PS2) Hmmm...this was a tough one to return. I like SMT games and was really excited to play this one, however, it seemed impossible without an FAQ/Walkthrough. And the FAQs I could find were Word documents...basically, if I had the Doublejump strategy guide then I would still be playing this one. We'll see.
Shin Megami Tensei Online: Imagine (PC) I am not sure how much I like this one. It's cool to see the old demons, however, it feels like just another MMO. At least it's free. It might get better.
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon (PS2) Just picked this one up. I'm really excited about it.
Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) Found it for a decent price, however, I have yet to play it.
I can't wait to feel better. I want to work out again. I also want to spend time with friends versus having to rest.