I'm looking at a serious backlog of games that I haven't played.
So I'm inventing a rule of 4; that is, I can only play 2 PS3 games and 2 PC games at a time...until I finish them. Here is what I will be playing over the next few weeks:
Demon's Souls (PS3) I deleted my saved games and am starting over as a Priest. I'm ready to finish this game.
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES (PS2) I deleted my saved games and am starting over with a Walkthrough/FAQ. I'm a perfectionist/completionist as far as SMT games and I hate missing content.
TacOps 4 (PC) I've got some serious reading to do, but I think I will enjoy this game.
ARMA II (PC) I have had so much fun with this game. I really want to finish it.
That's all. I'm just tired of jumping from game to game without finishing them.