Over the past several months, I've been juggling multiple jobs trying to save up a good sum of money to buy something nice for myself! I have a total of $850 but I would like to spend it all on one of the following...
- Additional hardware for my PC (External hard drive, video card, etc.)
- Nintendo DS lite
- PSP Slim
At the moment, I have a Dell Dimension 4700. I thought about just getting a new computer all together but that would take all of my money and I wouldn't have enough to buy games to go with it. Besides, buying the additional hardware would make my computer better than anything I could buy with $850 dollars, and it would be cheaper.
I bought a DS several days after it was first released and I really enjoyed it. It was the most innovative handheld ever released and a lot of my favorite game franchises would be making appearances on it. Sadly, I loaned it to a friend because he was going out of town and wanted something to do on the plane ride. When he returned, I discovered that he sold it "used" for some extra cash. (Yeah, some friend he turned out to be.)
I never quite been much of a Sony-type of guy. I don't have a PS, PS2, or PS3. I was thinking it would be nice to give the PSP Slim a test drive, but I don't want it to come back and bite me in the ass later on. The PSP has a lot of multimedia features which would be cool. I don't have an MP3 player of any kind and so the music and videos would be awesome to have when I don't feel like playing games.
So, there you have it. Some input would be nice of what you think would be the best choice for me. I don't want any flaming saying "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, N00B!!!" I have done my research but I want opinions from people who own the product and know exactly what it's like.
P.S. If I were to buy a PSP or DS, I would spend the additional money on games and extra crap for it.
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