Love the Larping video on your main page :PIantheoneHaha yeah a lot of people think it's Larping, but it's completely different. That was an SCA battle. People wear real armor and swing big f'ing swords and polearms at one another made from rattan wood. It's pretty crazy stuff! Hurts like hell too.
Strider212's forum posts
Hey guys. My indie team and I just launched the beta for our first game, Ethereal and we need your help in final development! As developers we want to create a community around our game that will offer feedback and ultimately co-develop the game with us.
Ethereal is an online multiplayer medieval combat game that is similar to Counter Strike, but instead of guns and kevlar, we use swords and armor. Our game also revolves realtime physics interactions with the weapons and armor.
Keep an eye out for some press coverage on our game from IGN, GamePro, Machinima, GamesRadar, and BitMob soon.
Beta Download:
Thanks for your help!
Martin Montgomery
I'd like to see her define what a "real" Christian is... because I doubt she even understands basic Christian dogma, let alone the history of the religion. I find it interesting how politicians and people in the public eye commonly use the "no true Scotsman" fallacy as a legitimate point in favour of their platform. To me, a "real" Christian would be someone who exemplifies the Jesus archetype; compassionate, selfless, non-violent, non-contentious (turn the other cheek, treat enemy as brother, etc.) and extremely charitable. So basically, not her.foxhound_foxUnfortunately, no one legitimately exemplifies the Jesus archetype.
Traditional marriage = 40 year-old men marrying 15 year-old girls to secure property, wealth and heirs.
Come on.. let's be reasonable with the hyperbole.
He's really not that far off...Maybe 40 is an exageration, but traditionally, marriage was a 30-ish year old man marrying a 12-15 year old girl for financial reasons, or to have heirs.
by the age a 20, a woman was considered "unmarriageable."
The concept of marrying for loe is very recent.
I suppose that I'm approaching things from a Christian perspective, but yes, that sounds about right.
Traditional marriage = 40 year-old men marrying 15 year-old girls to secure property, wealth and heirs.
Come on.. let's be reasonable with the hyperbole.
No, that really isn't far off the mark. The idea of marrying for love is a fairly modern concept.
I suppose that's fair. Although, I'd argue that it differs from culture to culture.
There goes traditional marriage....
Traditional marriage = 40 year-old men marrying 15 year-old girls to secure property, wealth and heirs.
Come on.. let's be reasonable with the hyperbole.
For those that are on the fence (like I was), I went ahead and ponied up the money for the game, and I don't regret it. The best aspect of the game is that it constantly allows you to upgrade your kingdom. I can be a bit impatient on these types of games which is why I sometimes avoid them; however, there is so much variation in the game that I haven't found myself bored a single time. The look and size of your kingdom is constantly changing with more units and buildings appearing at a steady pace. There is a HUGE amount of content.
If you enjoy Age of Empires, Civilization, The Sims, or Command and Conquer... even a little bit... you'll find something to enjoy with the game. Oh, and don't let the cutsie graphics turn you away from the game. It is rated T for a reason, due to some adult humor.
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