It should start out something like this:
"Hi. My name is Arthur."
"Hi Arthur!"
"I used to run after my girlfriend who was kidnapped by a giant two faced demon in only my underwear. My armor got knocked off by a stupid little blue demon in the cheapest way."
I love this game. I never did beat it, though I came close. It really isn't a cheap game, its just perfectly hard. Even on the easiest settings, you will get your head handed to you numerous times in the first level if you're new to the game.
I really think that in this day and age of the "hardcore gamers" that there should be a metric or a gauntlet of games that you must play in order to be called hardcore. I'm not talking about games that require you to play an excessively long amount of time to acheive a relatively insignificant goal, like breeding a Golden Chocobo in FFVII or something. I think beating hard old school games like Kid Icarus, Ghouls n' Ghosts, Ninja Gaiden and Blaster Master are required. But then most of those same people wouldn't touch those games because they aren't next-gen.
Listen, Kratos will forgive you if you pick up a magic lance and kill some zombies with a guy who's armor gets knocked off after getting hit with a tiny fireball. God of War wouldn't exist without the success of games like SG&G.
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