It's here. My first Top Ten List. Keep in mind, these games may be weird, but some are still, pretty good. Lets take a look, shall we?
#10: Gun Nac (NES)
It's a blast to play, and funny to play as well. Gun Nac has you in a futuristic plan, shooting carrots and other crazy stuff. Hell, even a cat comes up in your face. Yep, thats right, a cat. Pop this into your NES or Toploader and you've got some funny awesomeness coming your way.
#9: Space Channel 5 (Dreamcast)
Oh, have we got a title here. Space Channel 5 is like weird and girly, coming together. It sounds awful, but really, its a blast to play. As Funky Girl Chick Ulala, you DANCE your way through lots of planets in order to shoot aliens and rescue some dancing hostages, all with YOUR own brand of psychdelic funk. This game even has MICHEAL JACKSON!
#8:ClayFighter (SNES)
Wow. This Game, kinda... SUCKS. But it's weird, so there for, on the list. This was released when the gaming world was full of Street Fighter 2 knock offs, and this game offered a full plater of USELESS characters. But there's one that stands above the crowd. That's right, im talking about THE BLOB. THE BLOB could be ****fied as the cheapest charcter in the history of fighting games. If THE BLOB and Pit were in a cheapness contest, THE BLOB would win out.
#7:Growl (NES)
*No Box Art Found*
This, is a really, really, REALLY weird game. It's all about...who really cares abut the storyline? It's about people, ramming into other people, with Elephants. Do I need to say more?
#6: Earth Worm Jim (GEN, SNES)
At the begining of this Top Ten, I said "Keep In Mind, these games may be weird, but some of them are still good." EarthWorm Jim capitalized on that rule to the fullest. It had great controls (the solid Genesis and SNES controllers emphesized that) great level layouts, and it was funny. Also, it had a VERY impacting ending. Oh trust me, it was impacting.
#5: Dr.Mario (NES)
Ahh, Dr.Mario. While Some may argue there is NO place for him on this list, I must dissagree. In this game, your a Docter Mario, throwing pills, at little yelllow, blue, and green things. That IS weird. Also, if some people still dissagree, two words. CLIP BOARD, or is that, one word...?
#4:Silkworm (NES)
*No Box Art Found*
Wow, SilkWorm for NES. This game is PUNISHINGLY HARD, A 2D SHOOTER, AND ITS WEIRD! So if you have played SilkWorm before, you'll know that it's a very weird and difficult game. If you played it 1 player you probably got your ass handed to you on a silver platter, but, if you play it with 2 players, the game is a little easier. 1st player is the Helicopter and 2nd is the Jeep. The Helicopter can shoot down at the ground, which is pretty cool, and the jeep can jump and shoot backwards. So, you might be saying to yourselves, this dosen't sound that weird. Well, the last boss, a big Purple thing, yep, that's right, purple.
#3:EarthWorm Jim 2 (SNES, GEN)
You saw this coming, didn't you? The only game that could beat the original, was the sequel. Jim used those pillows to save little babies, used those old people carts to get up the stairs, and even inflated his HEAD to get past the level. HILARIOUS.
#2:Barbie (NES)
This game, brings a whole new meaning to the word "Steriotypical". Did I metion it sucks too? Turns out, its also the 2nd Weirdest Game ever. Who would have thought? The Storyline is, BARBIE,is going to the MALL, to get CLOTHES, for KEN. You can pretty much leave it there.
ITS..... NUMBER 1!!!
#1:Bubble Bath Babes (NES)
Disgusting, ain't it? The weirdest video game, is Bubble Bath Babes. Why? It's pretty much upside-down tetris with a naked women at the bottom. Satisfied? This game is a great example of what the gaming world was like WITHOUT the ESRB. Thanks, ERSB, for existing now.
That concludes my first Top Ten, and there's many more to come.
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