Get SC2 dude, it's worth the price.
I'd play through SC1+BW first though to be able to enjoy the (utterly fantastic) SP campaign in SC2.
SC2 has by far the best singleplayer campaign I have ever played in a traditional RTS (i.e. not Battlezone lol). The mission design is sooooooo good.
The multiplayer is out of this world too of course. Highly competitive, but thanks to the ladder system you'll always be playing people relatively close to your skill level. Blizzard is also of course renown for constantly releasing balance patches to get the game as close to pitch perfect as possible.
Maybe it sounds like I'm a fanboy but the game deserves it dude. It's got a high price tag but it's one of the few games where I've felt that every bit of that $59.95 was worth it. Just get SC2 man, you can't go wrong.
Other than that the only other really good space RTS games I can think of are the Homeworld games and Battlezone 1 and 2 if you want to call those RTS. BZ1/2 are both really old now but they hold up VERY well to the test of time. I'm actually replaying BZ1 right now. BZ2 got panned by many because it's not quite as amazing as BZ1 but it's still a fantastic game and easily in my top 10 of all time.
*Definitely* get the Battlezone games if you've never played them. You can still find people online occasionally though the SP content is really worth it by itself alone. (quite long campaigns and VERY high quality)
Oh ya and CnC Generals too is good for multiplayer if anyone still plays it in multiplayer. I dunno if that's "sci fi" but it's definitely got some pretty "out there" units.
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