I graduated, had a birtday, had some x-mas, vacationed in NY, had a brief excursion to trailer life, came full circle and now I am back at home looking for a job. The highlight of the past 2 months has definitely been playing my new 360 and lots of it.
Started by beating Gears of War on every difficulty and honing my multiplayer skills from noob to valuable team-mate, then moved on to delve deep into the massive dungeons, beautiful cities and spawling landscapes of cyrodil in Oblivion. Both games served to compleely re-make what a game could be in my eyes and provide levels of immersion, that I never thought possible.
I later beat my way through Condemned with blunt force trauma. Again, an experience I'll not soon forget. It seems like every single game I play for the 360 is the best game I have ever played. Later for a few dollars I dabbled with Burger King's Sneak King and got some enjoyment (and achievements) from that.
I am still hooked to all of these games and play them with the same level of enjoyment as I did when they first graced my TV screen because of one word: LIVE.
Looking back on times spent playing an unconnected console seems so unfulfilling that I have pretty much relegated my older systems to collect dust. The feeling that you could play your favorite games forever and always have them seem fresh, supported and constantly updated with new content is awesome. Don't get me wrong, without live, there is still much replay value packed into games, but multiplayer, achievements and downloadable content adds replay value that make a $60 purchase seem like a dollar store bargain.
On my mind today: IGN had a review for God of War II yesterday and for some reason gamespot has nothing. Also, No Wii Play review...because I'm sure what will really help everyone decide if they want to put these games in a shopping bag is another episode of button mashing.
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