Have you noticed that Dante's Inferno looks a little like God of War, and Bayonetta looks like Devil May Cry, and Darksiders looks like God of War and Zelda. Well congratulations you've got eyes. Now if the similarities you've noticed are going to prevent you from enjoying a potentially fun game well you just might be a Clone-o-phobe.
I wanted to write about something that has been really irritating me. I have noticed it in particular when reading the comments about Dante's Inferno, but there are other comments among other games as well which all seem to have people harping on the same note. It's like they feel some overpowering need to point out to us that Dante's Inferno is reminiscent of God of War. I have humbly nicknamed these people Clone-o-phobes. Because it seems to me that they have let their fear (or perhaps just angry fanboy-ism) spoil the chance of enjoying a game just because it's similar to another one. And I will admit that Dante's Inferno does look similar to God of War. I don't see what the big deal is and I don't see how imitation like this is a bad thing.
I have no idea what's going on in the various commentators heads when they make these remarks. But I can't help but think that it's something like this: "Hey I don't know if anyone else has noticed, and I haven't checked the comments yet but I'm pretty sure I'm the first one to realize the similarities between Dante's Inferno and God of War. So it's imperative that I alert you all about this imitation. I'm pretty sure no one else has noticed this since I'm a genius, and I figured I'd just enlighten you all. So I won't be buying this game nor will I even be a bit impressed by it because it's in some ways resembles another game. I'm sure that once you've read my counsel you won't be buying it either."
Since the we're stating the obvious I'd like to notify you all that the sky is blue. For that matter It was blue yesterday. That means today is kind of a ripoff yesterday. Therefore I hate today's sky because it's not original enough to change colors. While we're on the subject I can no longer enjoy my Wii table tennis game because I just found out... it's a rip off of Pong.
So what if this game is a little like another game. If I really enjoyed one game it would stand to reason that I would enjoy a game that is similar to it. When God of war came out I wished for more just like it, for as many imitations as we could get. The more the better. Maybe it's just the capitalist in me but I think that competition improves quality. God of war was great fun and as soon as it was over I desperately wished to relive the experience while also engaging in a unique scenario. In short I wanted a new God of War game, or one that was just as fun.
I am willing to keep an open mind on Dante's Inferno. I don't care for blatant rip offs but I'm not sure if that's what we have here. Overlord reminded me of Pikmin but I still enjoyed it. Now as much as I wish this blog entry would silence the Clone-o-phobes I know someone out there will think themselves much smarter than me and will deem it necessary to alert us all, again, that Dante's Inferno is like God of War. But I just wanted to voice my opinion. Don't take it to seriously.