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SugarySweet Blog

Been Awhile

So here I am again, emerging from my dank dark basement to escape the heat to once again become the couch potato that I am for all the shiny new shows. I love fall, summer's too hot, winter's too cold, spring last's like 2 seconds here in Canada, but fall is perfect. Except for school, bleh, can't wait for College.

So my summer sucked, i didn't do anything. I tried to get a job yet again, but nowhere's hiring except the local ice-cream shack. It's un-air-conditioned, coffin sized, and smells like corn-chips and sweat :?.

In even less exciting news, I started this healthy eating kick, I swear I haven't eaten sugar in 6 weeks. The good news? I lost about 15 pounds, I can run a couple km s without gasping like a lifetime smoker, and my mood is not unlike being on anti-depressants. The bad news? I have physically attacked people who eat chocolate in-front of me :evil:.

Anyway that was my summer in a nutshell, riveting huh? Imagine how exiting it is to actually live it. Can't wait for the new TVseason to start so more interesting, pretty people can live for me :D


Randomness and Pie

I had an art exam yesterday, meh it was pretty easy but still you know it was an exam so it's not like I'm all broken up that it's over.

I went shopping with my friend for my birthday and I didn't even buy anything, I have no idea why, I like shopping, I blow my budget every time I go shopping, who knows.

It might be because I've been weirdly depressed these last few days. Don't you hate when no matter what's going on in your life you still feel horrible? I don't know what it's about. Actually I feel all perky now, probably those 2 large lattes, that and I have this play I'm doing coming up, I'm so excited I love being a stage ham.

So I think I'll check out why everyone is so nuts over Ugly Betty tonight. Truthfully I think I'm only watching to see Rebbecca Romain portray a trans-gender woman...don't ask me why...

I've got major daddy issues

 So some may know this, others may not but my biological father gave me up when I was a baby.

I've never really thought of him before, to me he was always this myth, like Santa. But the other day I found this old picture, I recognized a really young looking mom and a man. I flip it over and it says: To Louisa (my mom)
Found this picture a few days ago, thought you'd like it, happy birthday, I love you.

So understandably I was freaked out, so I keep looking through this old box where I found it and there was another one, this time it was him holding a you can probably guess it was me.

I look so much like him, I have his hair, his chin and his eyes, it's just so...surreal.

I haven't told my mom yet because well she doesn't like to talk about him, she told me about him when I was younger, and that I wasn't allowed to try and find him. At the time I didn't give it much thought, but now I don't know.

It's weird to know that you will never get to see your real father, and now all I can think about is him, I remember asking my mom at the time if he loved me, she told me of course he did but I don't know...

I have a new dad now but all my life I've never thought of him as my dad, I wonder if I ever will.

Sorry if I've creeped you out I just felt like I had to write that down.

My friends are homeless and I'm writing this blog.

So everyone else seems to be posting blog after blog I thought what the hell.

Basically the most exciting thing that happened to me was that our power went out for a few hours, nothing terrible happened to us but we were having a pretty bad ice storm so sadly some of my friends are homeless because a tree went right through their house. My friend Deb still doesn't have power, it kinda sucks, for them I mean. Fa la la la la folks.


Yes I finally have my laptop, I'm so happy right now, the only problem is the battery life is kinda sucky, but still i can't complain.

I've asked this on some forums but no one's helped me, so please I'm begging some one out there, anyone, how the hell do you put a picture in your signature? I just can't do it, so please help me, I'm so pathetic when it comes to technology.

I'm so happy, are you? c'mon smile : D

I'm really exited I'm seeing my best friend tonight. She goes to another school and we haven't seen each other all summer. Finally I get to be girly again. Nail polish and slutty tops, yay! Sorry TMI i know, shut up SugarySweet? sure you bet.

Anywaaay, we're seeing a play that my other friends are in, which I was going to be in but, well that's another story. And we're havin pizza so I mean what else do you want?

Oh yeah as of that weren't enough I am without a doubt getting a laptop, well okay it like 90% certain 10% doubtful but whatever. Oh yeah and the office premieres 2night, best day ever! I have simple joys but that's what makes me such a happy person.

Pucker Up

So I better start puckering up now, cause this is goint to take a whole lot of a** kissing.

I want more than anything my own computer, I mean I need it so badly for school, plus I think by now I freakin deserve one. We have two desktop computers and well that's okay, but I mean one's from the eighties I think and is slower than frozen maple surup (sorry it's the canadian in me, we like maple surup). The other one is my Dad's, and he's crazy about it so I can never use it. But I desperatly want a notebook computer.

Well I talked to him about it and he says it could happen, but price is an issue. Yeah no kidding they cost at least $700 plus all that stuff that has to come with it.

But we are talking to my mom today when we visit her in the hospital (I really hate it there). She just had a little surgery but she's fine. So hopefully I can convince her too and work out the money thing with my Dad.

Wish me luck!

How does that man do it?

How can Jesse Spencer have gotten hotter? He was a perfect ten and now he's... god i don't know like fifteen, the hotness meter isn't meant to go that high people, oh no :shock: it's broken now.

It's got to be the hair, it's shorter or longer I don't know. Poor Jenny though, she tried a new look with her hair and it's not working so great. I liked her season two look, and i don't think it would hurt if she put on a little weight. Well everyone says that but I mean even if she didn't put on a few pounds she'd still look incredible. God Jess and Jen have to be the world's hottest couple, their children could rule the world.


Which is odd because I'm not all that interesting. Anyway I'm on level four so uh, goodie? Well it's weird because yesterday I was at level 3 at only 70%. *shrugs* Well I'm not complaining.

Also there's this butterfly there too, oh wait, like social butterfly? 'cause i've just added over twenty people to my friends list? Oh ha ha well played

Anywho I just watched wild wild west. All I can say is, if you want to watch the most pg female bashing movie ever it's for you. Seriously the woman in the movie have like 1/18 of a brain and they keep it in their boobs. Well whatever I got to see Will Smith's ass so we'll call it even.

Oh I was bouncing off the walls last night. So all the internet rumors had led my to a dark place when I read that Jesse and Jen had broken up. But then tvguide revealed they are together and the emmys were their coming out as a couple thing. If you don't who I'm taking about it's Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer from House. My life sorta revolves around that show and it's actors.

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