So here I am again, emerging from my dank dark basement to escape the heat to once again become the couch potato that I am for all the shiny new shows. I love fall, summer's too hot, winter's too cold, spring last's like 2 seconds here in Canada, but fall is perfect. Except for school, bleh, can't wait for College.
So my summer sucked, i didn't do anything. I tried to get a job yet again, but nowhere's hiring except the local ice-cream shack. It's un-air-conditioned, coffin sized, and smells like corn-chips and sweat :?.
In even less exciting news, I started this healthy eating kick, I swear I haven't eaten sugar in 6 weeks. The good news? I lost about 15 pounds, I can run a couple km s without gasping like a lifetime smoker, and my mood is not unlike being on anti-depressants. The bad news? I have physically attacked people who eat chocolate in-front of me :evil:.
Anyway that was my summer in a nutshell, riveting huh? Imagine how exiting it is to actually live it. Can't wait for the new TVseason to start so more interesting, pretty people can live for me :D