No, this game is not that good.
It looks great, it moves well, but the guns are no fun. Even if they didn't make such a big deal about the guns, it would still disappoint me. The sprays are all very predictable and similar. No gun feels strong (part of this is because of the enemy AI) when hitting enemies, it looks and feels good when you shoot walls though.
The AI is quite bad. They do move a bit from cover to cover, but once they find a spot they like they sit still. Once they find a spot, all they do is pop up for a moment so you can shoot them, then pop back down. Even worse, they pop up to the same exact spot every time.
Most of your fights will be from a distance. Don't even bother spraying, you can just keep taping away at them because they rarely move even when they get hit. And back to the guns not being fun when you shoot it, sometimes it takes 3 to 5 shots to the head with a gun that should be strong like an AK or a M4.
I think multiplayer ruined singleplayer FPS for me. Even games with good bots like UT feels predictable. With a game like Black, it almost feels more like a puzzle game than a FPS.
If a game like this came out 10 years ago I would have liked it a lot more. In fact in some ways Black reminds me of Goldeneye with a prettier skin.
As for the length, it'll take about 6 to 8 hours first time through. You might be able to do it in less than 5 your second time.
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