Excactly! A lot of game had lost its ambiance when it passed in 3d, worms/contra/final fight/castlevania/tetris/oddworld ... and other big franchise are a excellent conversion in 3d but i prefere the 2d version : Mario64 Vs Super Yoshi Island / Mario Kart VS Mario Kart 64 / Donkey Kong 64 Vs Donkey Kong Country.. etc etc
They are again a lot of possibility to do extraordinary things in 2d system, when the 3d arrived in the video game market, the developpers are to excited to explore this way and they completely rejected 2d (who became beautiful and complexe) for the new 3d not very beautiful (texture,aliasing..) in the new ps1..
Imagine few seconde, a new Zelda ALLTP 2d (2d like the better graphic of atomiswave or like the Zelda 2d in Gamecube) in the next Nintendo System who we can play online at 8 in cooperation for example, and we are in a very big donjon with enigme and we can arrived fast to the boss.. rhaaaaa
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