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I'm a Winner

First off...

Remarkable Member Icon

I was featured in the Member Spotlight! and a few dozens others. :P

I think (I'm sure) I got profile points for that, because I'm already 98% through level 25...
and I just made it to level 25 recently.

Also, I won a contest!
This one. Watch the video and you'll know.
This is what I submitted.

Here's the GIF if you ever want to use it in one of your exploits:

Guys, if you don't know what the weekly report is...well, it's the Daily Report now...
Anyway, go here.
There's a link for it from the forums page.

I would like to write longer blogs (and a review)...
It's not that I don't have any idea of what to write about (I have plenty)...
I've just been lazy :P

As far as gaming goes, I've been playing...

LittleBigPlanet (almost done with main story mode)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (brawling like there's no tomorrow)

Dragon Quest IX (completed some quests)
Picross 3D (solved some puzzles)
Pokemon Black (training, battling, and allthat other stuff)

*tumbleweed rolls by*


OST of the Week:

Overworld (Train Theme)- The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Most people think the train is boring in Spirit Tracks, and that the boat in Phantom Hourglass was more fun and made more sense...I kind of agree, but I love the train for the music.

It sounds better in the actual game, because you get to hear the chugga-chugga of the train going along with it. :)