Happy Birthday Mario Bros.!
I decided to celebrate by creating my own Mario dektop theme!
(I have the Dell Dock.)
And I'm going to sharethis themewith everyone!
According to the
CBS Interactive Terms of Use point4a
I have the right to post this download link for my cool new theme.
Justextract the fileand double-click it then...poof! You have a Mario PC!
Complete with backgrounds, cursors, anda couplesound effects such as a coin collect sound in place of a windows ding.
It's not flashy though so you're computer won't run slow.
if for any reason you want to switch back to the original theme just go to Control panal>Personalisation and choose one of the defult themes.
Of course it's only for Windows 7 users (sorry for anyone with Vista, XP, Mac, etc)
So I included the icons and cursors in extra folders so you can manually recreate the theme on an XP or Vista (You'll have to convert .ico icons to png icons for use on Mac, I'm not sure what the .cur cursors should be)
Tell me what you think and
Mario and all respective names are trademarks and copyrights of Nintendo.
Icons from Icon Finder (www.iconfinder.com)
Cursors from Deviant art user: ~mad-chemist04
Backgrounds from various sources
Original sounds from Mario Mayhem (www.mariomayhem.com)
Sounds edited by Super-Poke-Bros
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