Today, I was voting in the round 1b of the All Time Greatest Game Villian competition.
One of the votes I made actually evened out the total votes 50/50.
The vote count on the bottom was the EXACT same number on each side!
I thought this was pretty cool so I decided to save a picture of it.
But when I took the picture:
Well now you can't see the vote count?!
So I tried to take the picture again.
Sadly I accidentely pressed the backspace button on my keyboard instead.
Which took me back to the previous page.
When I went back to that page, of course, some other people have voted
and the tie was broken before I could prove that I made it...
By the way, the reason I only showed part of the voting page is because I'm using a nice little tablet PC.
And I cant take the pic without the keyboard and the my virtual keyboard takes up half the screen.
Also note that Team Rocket is no way a good villian.
I only voted for them because I didn't know the other guy.
(I really didn't care to look in the villian biographysection)