This is pretty short, just thought I would vomit up a thought while it was fresh. I was watching the review of Sine Mora or whatever it's called and I immediately thought about a wonderful game that came out on the original Playstation. Back in the beginning of Sony gamedom, when Square was still just Square and were no longer Squaresoft(ah, yes wonderful Squaresoft...)When they were coming out with games OTHER than RPGs on a fairly regular basis and were trying to be different and creative. There was this WONDERFUL game that came out called Einhander. This game is a ****c, and I didn't hear enough people talking about it...maybe because it wasn't an RPG and it was overshadowed by the huge amount of games coming out in 1998. Games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, and Parasite Eve...oh and Deception were all the rage and people were crazy about them. I think it's would be amazing if there was a remake of this game. I don't know if anyone else agrees, but there really aren't a whole lot of this genre being released as of late. I guess that's about it for now.
SuperDutchy Blog
by SuperDutchy on Comments
In the past week or so I've heard many sides of this whole Mass Effect 3 fiasco, here is a couple reasons why I think people need to chill out about the whole thing altogether: 1) People knew what they were buying. Weeks before ME3 came out, I heard people talking about the DLC. Everyone knew that it wasn't going to be in the final version of the game and regardless if the omission of the content was right or wrong from any standpoint, people bought it. If people didn't like that content, which they believed so strongly was rightfully theirs and/or should have been inclusive in the final product, they shouldn't have purchased it in the first place. Bottom line is that people wanted the DLC because it's freaking awesome and they couldn't get the collectors edition or didn't want to fork out the extra $10, so they decide their best course of action was to voice their displeasure. People need to learn that, when you buy the product, you buy it AS IS, as Bioware(EA) intended it. If you felt so strongly about it, don't buy it. Simple as that. 2)Regardless of if it when it was coded or if it was originally created to be included with the finished product, Bioware(EA) chose not to. Seeing as they made the game, they have this option to sell the game as they see fit. Millions of people bought it that way, why should they change since they can OBVIOUSLY get away with it. Once again, YOUR money cast that vote. 3)Gamers are not entitled. People don't in any way deserve anything from game companies. These companies make what sells. If people buy products, regardless of what state they're in, companies will continue to sell them as such. If people feel they're being taken advantage of then stop enabling these companies to act in this way. While this post may seem somewhat redundant, really when it comes down to it, gamers really have no one to blame but themselves. Gamers always wants games to be cheaper. I believe the main culprit that leads to companies to do things like what Bioware(EA) has done is your local video game reseller. companies resell games at a minimal markdown in used form to customers and while in the short term this is great because people think they're getting a great deal, in reality, they are harming what they love. Buying used games takes money out of the pockets of game developers and gives it to game resellers. This is money that could be going to fund new development of games, but instead resellers are making ridiculous amounts of money for really doing nothing but restocking used software. This causes developers to included packed in "new game codes" in order to ensure sales of games. This also leads companies to find other means of making money such as removing content (which is their choice). I know a lot of people who download things, sometimes legally, sometimes not, but most often I find that as far as music is concerned, my friends tend to pay for music from musicians they like. They do this to support their favorite artists, which is a way to ensure that those artists continue to have the ability to create music they enjoy. The same cannot be said for games however and people seem to have no problem buying a used copy of their favorite franchise, which in reality is giving money to the reseller and the company you love so much which produces that game you think is so amazing, doesn't see a dime. I would propose that the next time you go to your local retailer, buy new. It's only a little bit more(generally) and you're supporting the games you love. You're voting with your money...unless of course you want to see games you care about go away forever, which is exactly what will happen if things continue this way. I know a lot of people probably disagree, and are angry because they didn't get their cool supplementary content for their newest shiniest game(which I might add is in no way critical nor essential to the completion of the game), but maybe if you took a second to look at things from a developers perspective you might see things differently. In conclusion: BUY NEW - NOT USED, SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE DEVELOPERS.
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